Christophe Helmke, Jarosław Źrałka, From the editors, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 5 - 6
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Christophe Helmke, Jarosław Źrałka", title = "From the editors", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "5 - 6" }
Christophe Helmke, Jarosław Źrałka, On the logo of the Cracow Maya Conference and the etymology of Kraków, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 7 - 16
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Christophe Helmke, Jarosław Źrałka", title = "On the logo of the Cracow Maya Conference and the etymology of Kraków", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "7 - 16" }
Christophe Helmke, Harri Kettunen, Water in Maya imagery and writing, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 17 - 38
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Christophe Helmke, Harri Kettunen", title = "Water in Maya imagery and writing", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "17 - 38" }
Control del agua por los antiguos Mayas : el sistema hidráulico de la ciudad de Tikals. 39 - 56CZYSTY TEKST
Vernon L. Scarborough, Liwy Grazioso Sierra, Control del agua por los antiguos Mayas : el sistema hidráulico de la ciudad de Tikal, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 39 - 56
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Vernon L. Scarborough, Liwy Grazioso Sierra", title = "Control del agua por los antiguos Mayas : el sistema hidráulico de la ciudad de Tikal", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "39 - 56" }
Public provisions for dry seasons : the hydraulic system of Uxul and its relevance for the survivability of the settlements. 57 - 84CZYSTY TEKST
Nicolaus Seefeld, Public provisions for dry seasons : the hydraulic system of Uxul and its relevance for the survivability of the settlement, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 57 - 84
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Nicolaus Seefeld", title = "Public provisions for dry seasons : the hydraulic system of Uxul and its relevance for the survivability of the settlement", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "57 - 84" }
Estella Weiss-Krejci, Ancient Maya rain water reservoirs in northwestern Belize, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 85 - 99
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Estella Weiss-Krejci", title = "Ancient Maya rain water reservoirs in northwestern Belize", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "85 - 99" }
El Manejo ritual y práctico del agua : el caso del edificio 14 de Nakum, Guatemalas. 101 - 123CZYSTY TEKST
Wiesław Koszkul, Jarosław Źrałka, El Manejo ritual y práctico del agua : el caso del edificio 14 de Nakum, Guatemala, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 101 - 123
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wiesław Koszkul, Jarosław Źrałka", title = "El Manejo ritual y práctico del agua : el caso del edificio 14 de Nakum, Guatemala", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "101 - 123" }
Silvia Alvarado Najarro, Manejo hidráulico durante el clásico tardío en Cancuen, Peten, Guatemala, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 125 - 149
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Silvia Alvarado Najarro", title = "Manejo hidráulico durante el clásico tardío en Cancuen, Peten, Guatemala", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "125 - 149" }
"Ah xok", transformaciones de un dios acuático : del tiburón olmeca a la sirena Lacandonas. 151 - 164CZYSTY TEKST
Milan Kováč, "Ah xok", transformaciones de un dios acuático : del tiburón olmeca a la sirena Lacandona, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 151 - 164
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Milan Kováč", title = ""Ah xok", transformaciones de un dios acuático : del tiburón olmeca a la sirena Lacandona", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "151 - 164" }
The personifications of celestial water : the many guises of the Storm god in the pantheon and cosmology of Teotihuacans. 165 - 196CZYSTY TEKST
Kasper Wrem Anderson, Christophe Helmke, The personifications of celestial water : the many guises of the Storm god in the pantheon and cosmology of Teotihuacan, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 165 - 196
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kasper Wrem Anderson, Christophe Helmke", title = "The personifications of celestial water : the many guises of the Storm god in the pantheon and cosmology of Teotihuacan", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "165 - 196" }
Agua y arquitectura religiosa : evidencias arquelógicas de un "ayauhcalli" del periodo Azteca Tardío en el manatial hueytlílatl, Coyoacans. 197 - 218CZYSTY TEKST
Juan Cervantes Rosado, Stan Declerq, Agua y arquitectura religiosa : evidencias arquelógicas de un "ayauhcalli" del periodo Azteca Tardío en el manatial hueytlílatl, Coyoacan, Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2013 / Tom 5, s. 197 - 218
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Juan Cervantes Rosado, Stan Declerq", title = "Agua y arquitectura religiosa : evidencias arquelógicas de un "ayauhcalli" del periodo Azteca Tardío en el manatial hueytlílatl, Coyoacan", journal = "Contributions in New World Archaeology", issue = "2013 / Tom 5", pages = "197 - 218" }