Ewelina Bujnowska, Agnieszka Rzepa, Avant-propos / Introduction, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 7 - 10
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewelina Bujnowska, Agnieszka Rzepa", title = "Avant-propos / Introduction", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "7 - 10" }
Pierre Falardeau : un cinéaste "trop engagé" pour les organismes subventionnaires fédéraux du Canadas. 11 - 24CZYSTY TEKST
Gerardo Acerenza, Pierre Falardeau : un cinéaste "trop engagé" pour les organismes subventionnaires fédéraux du Canada, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 11 - 24
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Gerardo Acerenza", title = "Pierre Falardeau : un cinéaste "trop engagé" pour les organismes subventionnaires fédéraux du Canada", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "11 - 24" }
Le bilinguisme officiel au Nouveau- Brunswick : surface paisible, fond polémiques. 25 - 42CZYSTY TEKST
Laurence Arrighi, Emilie Urbain, Le bilinguisme officiel au Nouveau- Brunswick : surface paisible, fond polémique, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 25 - 42
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Laurence Arrighi, Emilie Urbain", title = "Le bilinguisme officiel au Nouveau- Brunswick : surface paisible, fond polémique", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "25 - 42" }
La « Loi 101 » et la langue du théâtre québécois : implications pour la traductions. 43 - 57CZYSTY TEKST
Iga Leszczyńska, La « Loi 101 » et la langue du théâtre québécois : implications pour la traduction, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 43 - 57
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iga Leszczyńska", title = "La « Loi 101 » et la langue du théâtre québécois : implications pour la traduction", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "43 - 57" }
Approche translatorique des relations entre les Acadiens et les Québécois : "Brunante" d’Herménégilde Chiasson en polonaiss. 59 - 74CZYSTY TEKST
Alicja Żuchelkowska, Approche translatorique des relations entre les Acadiens et les Québécois : "Brunante" d’Herménégilde Chiasson en polonais, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 59 - 74
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Alicja Żuchelkowska", title = "Approche translatorique des relations entre les Acadiens et les Québécois : "Brunante" d’Herménégilde Chiasson en polonais", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "59 - 74" }
Les faits linguistiques, l’effet littéraire : Vers un bilan de la problématique sociolinguistique dans la recherche sur la littérature québécoises. 75 - 96CZYSTY TEKST
Renata Jarzębowska-Sadkowska, Piotr Sadkowski, Les faits linguistiques, l’effet littéraire : Vers un bilan de la problématique sociolinguistique dans la recherche sur la littérature québécoise, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 75 - 96
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Renata Jarzębowska-Sadkowska, Piotr Sadkowski", title = "Les faits linguistiques, l’effet littéraire : Vers un bilan de la problématique sociolinguistique dans la recherche sur la littérature québécoise", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "75 - 96" }
Les enjeux entre le marché éditorial et la condition de la littérature au Québecs. 97 - 112CZYSTY TEKST
Ewelina Bujnowska, Les enjeux entre le marché éditorial et la condition de la littérature au Québec, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 97 - 112
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewelina Bujnowska", title = "Les enjeux entre le marché éditorial et la condition de la littérature au Québec", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "97 - 112" }
Aleksandra Chrupała, Joanna Warmuzińska-Rogoż, Est-ce un royaume paisible? Image du pays à travers les contes choisis, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 113 - 130
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aleksandra Chrupała, Joanna Warmuzińska-Rogoż", title = "Est-ce un royaume paisible? Image du pays à travers les contes choisis", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "113 - 130" }
Michał Krzykawski, Les politiques de l’écriture migrante, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 131 - 142
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Krzykawski", title = "Les politiques de l’écriture migrante", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "131 - 142" }
Géographie conflictuelle d’une ville : "Rue Saint-Urbain" de Mordecai Richler et "Côte-des-Nègres" de Mauricio Seguras. 143 - 155CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Żurawska, Géographie conflictuelle d’une ville : "Rue Saint-Urbain" de Mordecai Richler et "Côte-des-Nègres" de Mauricio Segura, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 143 - 155
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Żurawska", title = "Géographie conflictuelle d’une ville : "Rue Saint-Urbain" de Mordecai Richler et "Côte-des-Nègres" de Mauricio Segura", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "143 - 155" }
“A foreign language in a familiar country”, or Language, Genealogy, and the City in Marianne Ackerman’s "Jump"s. 157 - 167CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Czarnowus, “A foreign language in a familiar country”, or Language, Genealogy, and the City in Marianne Ackerman’s "Jump", TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 157 - 167
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Czarnowus", title = "“A foreign language in a familiar country”, or Language, Genealogy, and the City in Marianne Ackerman’s "Jump"", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "157 - 167" }
Intruders in Canadian Gardens: Subversive Rewritings of Genesis in the Works of Timothy Findley and Thomas Kings. 169 - 178CZYSTY TEKST
Dorota Filipczak, Intruders in Canadian Gardens: Subversive Rewritings of Genesis in the Works of Timothy Findley and Thomas King, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 169 - 178
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dorota Filipczak", title = "Intruders in Canadian Gardens: Subversive Rewritings of Genesis in the Works of Timothy Findley and Thomas King", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "169 - 178" }
“It was empty and silent, except for the devilish laughter of the coyotes” – The Perception of Canada as a Peaceable Kingdom and Promised Land in Selected Immigrant Memoirss. 179 - 191CZYSTY TEKST
Dagmara Drewniak, “It was empty and silent, except for the devilish laughter of the coyotes” – The Perception of Canada as a Peaceable Kingdom and Promised Land in Selected Immigrant Memoirs, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 179 - 191
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dagmara Drewniak", title = "“It was empty and silent, except for the devilish laughter of the coyotes” – The Perception of Canada as a Peaceable Kingdom and Promised Land in Selected Immigrant Memoirs", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "179 - 191" }
Polish Immigrants’ Search for the Peaceable Kingdom: Andrew J. Borkowski’s "Copernicus Avenue"s. 193 - 206CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Branach-Kallas, Polish Immigrants’ Search for the Peaceable Kingdom: Andrew J. Borkowski’s "Copernicus Avenue", TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 193 - 206
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Branach-Kallas", title = "Polish Immigrants’ Search for the Peaceable Kingdom: Andrew J. Borkowski’s "Copernicus Avenue"", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "193 - 206" }
A Narrative Inquiry into Canadian Multiculturalism: Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaelss. 207 - 225CZYSTY TEKST
Brygida Gasztold, A Narrative Inquiry into Canadian Multiculturalism: Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 207 - 225
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Brygida Gasztold", title = "A Narrative Inquiry into Canadian Multiculturalism: Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "207 - 225" }
Freedom Footprints. Multiculturalism from the Chinese Canadian Literary Perspective in Larissa Lai’s "Salt Fish Girl"s. 227 - 234CZYSTY TEKST
Kinga Kowalska, Freedom Footprints. Multiculturalism from the Chinese Canadian Literary Perspective in Larissa Lai’s "Salt Fish Girl", TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 227 - 234
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kinga Kowalska", title = "Freedom Footprints. Multiculturalism from the Chinese Canadian Literary Perspective in Larissa Lai’s "Salt Fish Girl"", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "227 - 234" }
“A loss so fine it pierced my heart.” Lost languages and Cultural Identity in Hiromi Goto’s "Chorus of Mushrooms" and Eden Robinson’s "Monkey Beach"s. 235 - 248CZYSTY TEKST
Ewa Bodal, “A loss so fine it pierced my heart.” Lost languages and Cultural Identity in Hiromi Goto’s "Chorus of Mushrooms" and Eden Robinson’s "Monkey Beach", TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 235 - 248
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewa Bodal", title = "“A loss so fine it pierced my heart.” Lost languages and Cultural Identity in Hiromi Goto’s "Chorus of Mushrooms" and Eden Robinson’s "Monkey Beach"", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "235 - 248" }
“It is always darkest just before first dawn’s light”: The Social Project of Recent Native Canadian Proses. 249 - 261CZYSTY TEKST
Agnieszka Rzepa, “It is always darkest just before first dawn’s light”: The Social Project of Recent Native Canadian Prose, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 249 - 261
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnieszka Rzepa", title = "“It is always darkest just before first dawn’s light”: The Social Project of Recent Native Canadian Prose", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "249 - 261" }
The Diaspora in Space. The Question of Home, Ancestry and Heritage in Celu Amberstone’s “Refugees”s. 263 - 273CZYSTY TEKST
Agnieszka Podruczna, The Diaspora in Space. The Question of Home, Ancestry and Heritage in Celu Amberstone’s “Refugees”, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 263 - 273
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnieszka Podruczna", title = "The Diaspora in Space. The Question of Home, Ancestry and Heritage in Celu Amberstone’s “Refugees”", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "263 - 273" }
“Emotional Importance of Walls.” An Agoraphobic Look on Canadian Wilderness in Steff Penney’s "The Tenderness of Wolves"s. 275 - 287CZYSTY TEKST
Zuzanna Szatanik, “Emotional Importance of Walls.” An Agoraphobic Look on Canadian Wilderness in Steff Penney’s "The Tenderness of Wolves", TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 275 - 287
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zuzanna Szatanik", title = "“Emotional Importance of Walls.” An Agoraphobic Look on Canadian Wilderness in Steff Penney’s "The Tenderness of Wolves"", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "275 - 287" }
Exploring Different Dimensions of the Canadian Prairie: Community And the Individual in Sheila Watson’s "The Double Hook" And Robert Kroetsch’s "What the Crow Said"s. 289 - 299CZYSTY TEKST
Katarzyna Raczyńska, Exploring Different Dimensions of the Canadian Prairie: Community And the Individual in Sheila Watson’s "The Double Hook" And Robert Kroetsch’s "What the Crow Said", TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 289 - 299
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Katarzyna Raczyńska", title = "Exploring Different Dimensions of the Canadian Prairie: Community And the Individual in Sheila Watson’s "The Double Hook" And Robert Kroetsch’s "What the Crow Said"", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "289 - 299" }
“A brave new schizophrenic world” – Canada in Michael O’Brien’s "Plague Journal"s. 301 - 316CZYSTY TEKST
Ewa Urbaniak-Rybicka, “A brave new schizophrenic world” – Canada in Michael O’Brien’s "Plague Journal", TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 301 - 316
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewa Urbaniak-Rybicka", title = "“A brave new schizophrenic world” – Canada in Michael O’Brien’s "Plague Journal"", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "301 - 316" }
In Defence of History or in Hysteria of Defence: Reflections on J. L. Granatstein’s "Who Killed Canadian History"?s. 317 - 326CZYSTY TEKST
Mateusz Bogdanowicz, In Defence of History or in Hysteria of Defence: Reflections on J. L. Granatstein’s "Who Killed Canadian History"?, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 317 - 326
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mateusz Bogdanowicz", title = "In Defence of History or in Hysteria of Defence: Reflections on J. L. Granatstein’s "Who Killed Canadian History"?", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "317 - 326" }
Martina Bednáriková, The Story of Sitting Bull’s Strength: The Case of Canadian Government, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 327 - 334
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Martina Bednáriková", title = "The Story of Sitting Bull’s Strength: The Case of Canadian Government", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "327 - 334" }
"Méchante langue. La légitimité linguistique du français parlé au Québec", Chantal Bouchard, Montreal 2012 : [recenzja]s. 337 - 340CZYSTY TEKST
Chantal Bouchard, Aleksandra Chrupała, "Méchante langue. La légitimité linguistique du français parlé au Québec", Chantal Bouchard, Montreal 2012 : [recenzja], TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 337 - 340
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Chantal Bouchard, Aleksandra Chrupała", title = ""Méchante langue. La légitimité linguistique du français parlé au Québec", Chantal Bouchard, Montreal 2012 : [recenzja]", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "337 - 340" }
"Niuanse wyobcowania. Diaspora i tematyka polska w Kanadzie", Anna Branach-Kallas, Toruń 2014 : [recenzja]s. 341 - 342CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Branach-Kallas, Krzysztof Majer, "Niuanse wyobcowania. Diaspora i tematyka polska w Kanadzie", Anna Branach-Kallas, Toruń 2014 : [recenzja], TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 341 - 342
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Branach-Kallas, Krzysztof Majer", title = ""Niuanse wyobcowania. Diaspora i tematyka polska w Kanadzie", Anna Branach-Kallas, Toruń 2014 : [recenzja]", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "341 - 342" }
"Vers l’imaginaire migrant. La fiction narrative des écrivains immigrants francophones au Québec (1980-2000)", Tina Mouneimné, Bruxelles 2013 : [recenzja]s. 343 - 349CZYSTY TEKST
Tina Mouneimné, Piotr Sadkowski, "Vers l’imaginaire migrant. La fiction narrative des écrivains immigrants francophones au Québec (1980-2000)", Tina Mouneimné, Bruxelles 2013 : [recenzja], TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 343 - 349
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tina Mouneimné, Piotr Sadkowski", title = ""Vers l’imaginaire migrant. La fiction narrative des écrivains immigrants francophones au Québec (1980-2000)", Tina Mouneimné, Bruxelles 2013 : [recenzja]", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "343 - 349" }
"Bodies Out of Rule. Transversal Readings in Canadian Literature and Film", Tomasz Sikora, Kraków 2014 : [recenzja]s. 351 - 354CZYSTY TEKST
Tomasz Sikora, Zuzanna Szatanik, "Bodies Out of Rule. Transversal Readings in Canadian Literature and Film", Tomasz Sikora, Kraków 2014 : [recenzja], TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 351 - 354
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Sikora, Zuzanna Szatanik", title = ""Bodies Out of Rule. Transversal Readings in Canadian Literature and Film", Tomasz Sikora, Kraków 2014 : [recenzja]", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "351 - 354" }
David Groulx, Agnieszka Rzepa, "Imagine Mercy", David Groulx, [b.m.] 2013 : [recenzja], TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 355 - 356
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " David Groulx, Agnieszka Rzepa", title = ""Imagine Mercy", David Groulx, [b.m.] 2013 : [recenzja]", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "355 - 356" }
General News, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 359 - 361
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "General News", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "359 - 361" }
Canadian studies centers in Poland, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 363 - 369
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Canadian studies centers in Poland", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "363 - 369" }
Pacs Grants, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 371 - 372
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Pacs Grants", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "371 - 372" }
Non-pacs grants, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 373 - 375
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Non-pacs grants", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "373 - 375" }
Publications, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 377 - 380
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Publications", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "377 - 380" }
Articles / Book Chapters / Conference Papers / Interviews, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 381 - 395
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Articles / Book Chapters / Conference Papers / Interviews", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "381 - 395" }
Habilitation, PH.D, M.A. and B.A. Theses, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 397 - 399
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Habilitation, PH.D, M.A. and B.A. Theses", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "397 - 399" }
Conferences / Seminars / Events / Guest Lectures, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 401 - 415
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Conferences / Seminars / Events / Guest Lectures", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "401 - 415" }
ICCS Programs, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 417 - 419
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "ICCS Programs", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "417 - 419" }
Call for contributions, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 421 - 424
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Call for contributions", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "421 - 424" }
Appel a contributions, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 425 - 429
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Appel a contributions", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "425 - 429" }
Submissions, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 431 - 433
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Submissions", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "431 - 433" }
Soumission d'articles, TransCanadiana, 2013 / Tom 6, s. 435 - 437
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Soumission d'articles", journal = "TransCanadiana", issue = "2013 / Tom 6", pages = "435 - 437" }