Paweł Pyrka, Anna Warso, Foreword : And Yet It Moves, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 2 - 3
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Paweł Pyrka, Anna Warso", title = "Foreword : And Yet It Moves", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "2 - 3" }
The Road to Interactivity : The Influence of Media Convergence on Talent Show Programss. 4 - 13CZYSTY TEKST
Izabela Kurczewska, The Road to Interactivity : The Influence of Media Convergence on Talent Show Programs, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 4 - 13
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Izabela Kurczewska", title = "The Road to Interactivity : The Influence of Media Convergence on Talent Show Programs", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "4 - 13" }
Joanna Kucharska, Also These Voices : Technology and Gender in the Practice of Fanvidding, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 14 - 28
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Kucharska", title = "Also These Voices : Technology and Gender in the Practice of Fanvidding", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "14 - 28" }
The Effect of Technology on Language and the Importance of Language Technologiess. 30 - 40CZYSTY TEKST
Rafał Uzar, The Effect of Technology on Language and the Importance of Language Technologies, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 30 - 40
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Rafał Uzar", title = "The Effect of Technology on Language and the Importance of Language Technologies", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "30 - 40" }
Urszula Pawlicka, Is There a Literature in this Class?, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 42 - 56
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Urszula Pawlicka", title = "Is There a Literature in this Class?", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "42 - 56" }
When Man Becomes Machine : The Creation of ‘Symborgs’ in Pop Cultural Universess. 58 - 70CZYSTY TEKST
Ewelina Twardoch, When Man Becomes Machine : The Creation of ‘Symborgs’ in Pop Cultural Universes, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 58 - 70
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewelina Twardoch", title = "When Man Becomes Machine : The Creation of ‘Symborgs’ in Pop Cultural Universes", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "58 - 70" }
Technologized Culture or Cultured Technology? : Video Games as a New Form of Storytellings. 72 - 80CZYSTY TEKST
Ewa Drab, Technologized Culture or Cultured Technology? : Video Games as a New Form of Storytelling, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 72 - 80
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewa Drab", title = "Technologized Culture or Cultured Technology? : Video Games as a New Form of Storytelling", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "72 - 80" }
(Re)Designing Human : Genetics in Cinema : The Dialectics of Past, Present and Futures. 82 - 93CZYSTY TEKST
Aneta Jałocha, (Re)Designing Human : Genetics in Cinema : The Dialectics of Past, Present and Future, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 82 - 93
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aneta Jałocha", title = "(Re)Designing Human : Genetics in Cinema : The Dialectics of Past, Present and Future", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "82 - 93" }
Stereo Vision and the Imaginary Man : The Influence of 3D Technology on the Experience of the Film Viewers. 94 - 101CZYSTY TEKST
Piotr Fortuna, Stereo Vision and the Imaginary Man : The Influence of 3D Technology on the Experience of the Film Viewer, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 94 - 101
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Fortuna", title = "Stereo Vision and the Imaginary Man : The Influence of 3D Technology on the Experience of the Film Viewer", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "94 - 101" }
Technology as Witchcraft : Fear and Desire: A Female Robot in Fritz Lang’s Metropoliss. 102 - 109CZYSTY TEKST
Zbigniew Wałaszewski, Technology as Witchcraft : Fear and Desire: A Female Robot in Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 102 - 109
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Wałaszewski", title = "Technology as Witchcraft : Fear and Desire: A Female Robot in Fritz Lang’s Metropolis", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "102 - 109" }
Rafał Morusiewicz, Fifty Shades of Real : The Sexual and the Virtual in Spike Jonze’s Her, Kultura Popularna, 2013 / Numer 4 (38), s. 110 - 119
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Rafał Morusiewicz", title = "Fifty Shades of Real : The Sexual and the Virtual in Spike Jonze’s Her", journal = "Kultura Popularna", issue = "2013 / Numer 4 (38)", pages = "110 - 119" }