Herrmann Cohens Lehre in Russland : Besonderheiten der Rezeptions. 9 - 27CZYSTY TEKST
Vladimir Belov, Herrmann Cohens Lehre in Russland : Besonderheiten der Rezeption , Folia Philosophica, 2016 / Tom 35, s. 9 - 27
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Vladimir Belov", title = "Herrmann Cohens Lehre in Russland : Besonderheiten der Rezeption ", journal = "Folia Philosophica", issue = "2016 / Tom 35", pages = "9 - 27" }
Wprowadzenie do problematyki wiedzy w rosyjskim transcendentalizmie - od neokantyzmu do postneokantyzmus. 29 - 52CZYSTY TEKST
Barbara Czardybon, Wprowadzenie do problematyki wiedzy w rosyjskim transcendentalizmie - od neokantyzmu do postneokantyzmu, Folia Philosophica, 2016 / Tom 35, s. 29 - 52
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Barbara Czardybon", title = "Wprowadzenie do problematyki wiedzy w rosyjskim transcendentalizmie - od neokantyzmu do postneokantyzmu", journal = "Folia Philosophica", issue = "2016 / Tom 35", pages = "29 - 52" }
The Polemic between Leonard Nelson and Ernst Cassirer on the Critical Method in the Philosophys. 53 - 69CZYSTY TEKST
Tomasz Kubalica, The Polemic between Leonard Nelson and Ernst Cassirer on the Critical Method in the Philosophy , Folia Philosophica, 2016 / Tom 35, s. 53 - 69
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Kubalica", title = "The Polemic between Leonard Nelson and Ernst Cassirer on the Critical Method in the Philosophy ", journal = "Folia Philosophica", issue = "2016 / Tom 35", pages = "53 - 69" }
Von Marburg nach Pittsburgh-2 : Anschauung in der Struktur der Erfahrungs. 71 - 84CZYSTY TEKST
Maja Soboleva, Von Marburg nach Pittsburgh-2 : Anschauung in der Struktur der Erfahrung , Folia Philosophica, 2016 / Tom 35, s. 71 - 84
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maja Soboleva", title = "Von Marburg nach Pittsburgh-2 : Anschauung in der Struktur der Erfahrung ", journal = "Folia Philosophica", issue = "2016 / Tom 35", pages = "71 - 84" }
Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence between Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell in the Years 1902-1904 : Some Uninvestigated Topicss. 85 - 100CZYSTY TEKST
Gabriela Besler, Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence between Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell in the Years 1902-1904 : Some Uninvestigated Topics, Folia Philosophica, 2016 / Tom 35, s. 85 - 100
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Gabriela Besler", title = "Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence between Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell in the Years 1902-1904 : Some Uninvestigated Topics", journal = "Folia Philosophica", issue = "2016 / Tom 35", pages = "85 - 100" }
The City-Place as a Work of Art : Introductions. 101 - 113CZYSTY TEKST
Maria Popczyk, The City-Place as a Work of Art : Introduction, Folia Philosophica, 2016 / Tom 35, s. 101 - 113
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maria Popczyk", title = "The City-Place as a Work of Art : Introduction", journal = "Folia Philosophica", issue = "2016 / Tom 35", pages = "101 - 113" }
Zagadnienie aktu twórczego w koncepcji ontopojezy życia Anny Teresy Tymienieckiejs. 115 - 131CZYSTY TEKST
Magdalena Mruszczyk, Zagadnienie aktu twórczego w koncepcji ontopojezy życia Anny Teresy Tymienieckiej , Folia Philosophica, 2016 / Tom 35, s. 115 - 131
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magdalena Mruszczyk", title = "Zagadnienie aktu twórczego w koncepcji ontopojezy życia Anny Teresy Tymienieckiej ", journal = "Folia Philosophica", issue = "2016 / Tom 35", pages = "115 - 131" }
Responsibility in Existential Approach of Psychotherapys. 133 - 144CZYSTY TEKST
Anita Gralak, Responsibility in Existential Approach of Psychotherapy , Folia Philosophica, 2016 / Tom 35, s. 133 - 144
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anita Gralak", title = "Responsibility in Existential Approach of Psychotherapy ", journal = "Folia Philosophica", issue = "2016 / Tom 35", pages = "133 - 144" }