Information Pollution in a Digital and Polarized World as a Challenge to Human Rights Protection - the Council of Europe's Approachs. 7 - 26CZYSTY TEKST
Alicja Jaskiernia, Information Pollution in a Digital and Polarized World as a Challenge to Human Rights Protection - the Council of Europe's Approach , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 7 - 26
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Alicja Jaskiernia", title = "Information Pollution in a Digital and Polarized World as a Challenge to Human Rights Protection - the Council of Europe's Approach ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "7 - 26" }
The Right to be Forgotten : Emerging Legal Issuess. 27 - 42CZYSTY TEKST
Oksana Vasylivna Kiriiak, The Right to be Forgotten : Emerging Legal Issues , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 27 - 42
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Oksana Vasylivna Kiriiak", title = "The Right to be Forgotten : Emerging Legal Issues ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "27 - 42" }
Legal Basis for Introducing Restrictions on Human Rights and Freedoms during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemics. 43 - 65CZYSTY TEKST
Karol Dobrzeniecki, Bogusław Przywora, Legal Basis for Introducing Restrictions on Human Rights and Freedoms during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 43 - 65
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Karol Dobrzeniecki, Bogusław Przywora", title = "Legal Basis for Introducing Restrictions on Human Rights and Freedoms during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "43 - 65" }
Admissibility of Evedence Obtained as a Result of Issuing an European Investigation Order in a Polish Criminal Trials. 67 - 92CZYSTY TEKST
Hanna Kuczyńska, Admissibility of Evedence Obtained as a Result of Issuing an European Investigation Order in a Polish Criminal Trial , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 67 - 92
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Hanna Kuczyńska", title = "Admissibility of Evedence Obtained as a Result of Issuing an European Investigation Order in a Polish Criminal Trial ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "67 - 92" }
Pro-Constitutional Interpretation of Statutes : A Few Remarks Related to the Dispute about Judicial Activisms. 93 - 107CZYSTY TEKST
Hubert Kaczmarczyk, Pro-Constitutional Interpretation of Statutes : A Few Remarks Related to the Dispute about Judicial Activism , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 93 - 107
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Hubert Kaczmarczyk", title = "Pro-Constitutional Interpretation of Statutes : A Few Remarks Related to the Dispute about Judicial Activism ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "93 - 107" }
Protection of Social Rights as a Permanent Challenge for the European Unions. 109 - 143CZYSTY TEKST
Joanna Ryszka, Protection of Social Rights as a Permanent Challenge for the European Union , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 109 - 143
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Ryszka", title = "Protection of Social Rights as a Permanent Challenge for the European Union ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "109 - 143" }
European Investigation Order - Selected Problems on Polish Implementations. 145 - 164CZYSTY TEKST
Krzysztof Wiesław Woźniewski, European Investigation Order - Selected Problems on Polish Implementation , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 145 - 164
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Wiesław Woźniewski", title = "European Investigation Order - Selected Problems on Polish Implementation ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "145 - 164" }
Universalism of Human Rights : Notion of Global Consensus or Regional Ideas. 165 - 176CZYSTY TEKST
Krzysztof Orzeszyna, Universalism of Human Rights : Notion of Global Consensus or Regional Idea , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 165 - 176
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Orzeszyna", title = "Universalism of Human Rights : Notion of Global Consensus or Regional Idea ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "165 - 176" }
The Inter-America Court of Human Rights Advisory Opinion OC-23/17 on the Relationship between Human Rights and Environments. 177 - 188CZYSTY TEKST
Przemysław Siwior, The Inter-America Court of Human Rights Advisory Opinion OC-23/17 on the Relationship between Human Rights and Environment , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 177 - 188
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Przemysław Siwior", title = "The Inter-America Court of Human Rights Advisory Opinion OC-23/17 on the Relationship between Human Rights and Environment ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "177 - 188" }
Prohibition of Discriminaion on Grounds of Nationality in the Freedom of Movement of Persons within the EU in the Light of Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Unions. 189 - 218CZYSTY TEKST
Monika Patrycja Bator-Bryła, Prohibition of Discriminaion on Grounds of Nationality in the Freedom of Movement of Persons within the EU in the Light of Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 189 - 218
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Monika Patrycja Bator-Bryła", title = "Prohibition of Discriminaion on Grounds of Nationality in the Freedom of Movement of Persons within the EU in the Light of Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "189 - 218" }
The Evolution of Cybersecurity Regulation in the European Union Law and Its Implementation in Polands. 219 - 235CZYSTY TEKST
Grażyna Maria Szpor, The Evolution of Cybersecurity Regulation in the European Union Law and Its Implementation in Poland , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 219 - 235
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grażyna Maria Szpor", title = "The Evolution of Cybersecurity Regulation in the European Union Law and Its Implementation in Poland ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "219 - 235" }
United States Supreme Court Approach to First Amendment Freedom of Religion in Response to the COVID Pandemics. 237 - 261CZYSTY TEKST
Delaine Russell Swenson, United States Supreme Court Approach to First Amendment Freedom of Religion in Response to the COVID Pandemic , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 237 - 261
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Delaine Russell Swenson", title = "United States Supreme Court Approach to First Amendment Freedom of Religion in Response to the COVID Pandemic ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "237 - 261" }
Causal Effect Relationship in Medical Cases : An Old Preblem in a New Scenario : Commentary to CJEU Judgment (Second Chamber) of 21 June 2017, N.W. & Others V. Sanofi Pasteur MSD & Others, Case C-621/15 EU:C:2017:484 : Approbative Glosss. 263 - 290CZYSTY TEKST
Urszula Dorota Drozdowska, Agata Wnukiewicz-Kozłowska, Causal Effect Relationship in Medical Cases : An Old Preblem in a New Scenario : Commentary to CJEU Judgment (Second Chamber) of 21 June 2017, N.W. & Others V. Sanofi Pasteur MSD & Others, Case C-621/15 EU:C:2017:484 : Approbative Gloss , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 263 - 290
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Urszula Dorota Drozdowska, Agata Wnukiewicz-Kozłowska", title = "Causal Effect Relationship in Medical Cases : An Old Preblem in a New Scenario : Commentary to CJEU Judgment (Second Chamber) of 21 June 2017, N.W. & Others V. Sanofi Pasteur MSD & Others, Case C-621/15 EU:C:2017:484 : Approbative Gloss ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "263 - 290" }
"History of International Relations : A Non-European Perspective", Erik Ringmar, Cambridge 2019 : [recenzja]s. 291 - 312CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Krzysztof Nabożny, Erik Ringmar, "History of International Relations : A Non-European Perspective", Erik Ringmar, Cambridge 2019 : [recenzja] , Review of European and Comparative Law, 2021 / Tom 46, s. 291 - 312
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Krzysztof Nabożny, Erik Ringmar", title = ""History of International Relations : A Non-European Perspective", Erik Ringmar, Cambridge 2019 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Review of European and Comparative Law", issue = "2021 / Tom 46", pages = "291 - 312" }