Telework as a form of limiting human and social capital depreciation among parents with young childrens. 127 - 136CZYSTY TEKST
Baha Kalinowska-Sufinowicz, Telework as a form of limiting human and social capital depreciation among parents with young children, Managerial Economics, 2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 127 - 136
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Baha Kalinowska-Sufinowicz", title = "Telework as a form of limiting human and social capital depreciation among parents with young children", journal = "Managerial Economics", issue = "2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "127 - 136" }
Assessing the relationship between business strategy and knowledge acquisition in Polish Manufacturing Enterprisess. 137 - 148CZYSTY TEKST
Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska, Assessing the relationship between business strategy and knowledge acquisition in Polish Manufacturing Enterprises, Managerial Economics, 2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 137 - 148
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska", title = "Assessing the relationship between business strategy and knowledge acquisition in Polish Manufacturing Enterprises", journal = "Managerial Economics", issue = "2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "137 - 148" }
Fragmentation and the value-added structure of exports in Polish industrys. 149 - 159CZYSTY TEKST
Krzysztof Posłuszny, Fragmentation and the value-added structure of exports in Polish industry, Managerial Economics, 2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 149 - 159
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Posłuszny", title = "Fragmentation and the value-added structure of exports in Polish industry", journal = "Managerial Economics", issue = "2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "149 - 159" }
Markets in catholic social teachings. 161 - 174CZYSTY TEKST
Robert Rogowski, Markets in catholic social teaching, Managerial Economics, 2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 161 - 174
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Robert Rogowski", title = "Markets in catholic social teaching", journal = "Managerial Economics", issue = "2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "161 - 174" }
Specialization and business cycles fluctuations of Polish regionss. 175 - 188CZYSTY TEKST
Rafał Warżała, Specialization and business cycles fluctuations of Polish regions, Managerial Economics, 2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 175 - 188
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Rafał Warżała", title = "Specialization and business cycles fluctuations of Polish regions", journal = "Managerial Economics", issue = "2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "175 - 188" }
Summariess. 189 - 190CZYSTY TEKST
Summaries, Managerial Economics, 2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 189 - 190
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Summaries", journal = "Managerial Economics", issue = "2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "189 - 190" }
Instruction for authorss. 191 - 193CZYSTY TEKST
Instruction for authors, Managerial Economics, 2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 191 - 193
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Instruction for authors", journal = "Managerial Economics", issue = "2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "191 - 193" }
Double blind peer review procedures. 195 - 196CZYSTY TEKST
Double blind peer review procedure, Managerial Economics, 2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 195 - 196
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Double blind peer review procedure", journal = "Managerial Economics", issue = "2015 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "195 - 196" }