Which Phonetic Features Should Pronunciation Instructions Focus On? : An Evaluation on the Accentedness of Segmental/Syllabe Errors in L2 Speechs. 135 - 154CZYSTY TEKST
Zhiyan Gao, Steven Weinberger, Which Phonetic Features Should Pronunciation Instructions Focus On? : An Evaluation on the Accentedness of Segmental/Syllabe Errors in L2 Speech , Research in Language, 2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 135 - 154
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zhiyan Gao, Steven Weinberger", title = "Which Phonetic Features Should Pronunciation Instructions Focus On? : An Evaluation on the Accentedness of Segmental/Syllabe Errors in L2 Speech ", journal = "Research in Language", issue = "2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "135 - 154" }
Singing Accent Americanisation in the Light of Frequency Effects : LOT Unrounding and Price Monoghthongisation in Focuss. 155 - 168CZYSTY TEKST
Monika Konert-Panek, Singing Accent Americanisation in the Light of Frequency Effects : LOT Unrounding and Price Monoghthongisation in Focus , Research in Language, 2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 155 - 168
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Monika Konert-Panek", title = "Singing Accent Americanisation in the Light of Frequency Effects : LOT Unrounding and Price Monoghthongisation in Focus ", journal = "Research in Language", issue = "2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "155 - 168" }
Production Accuracy of L2 Vowels : Phonological Parsimony and Phonetic Flexibilitys. 169 - 191CZYSTY TEKST
Václav Jonáš Podlipský, Šárka Šimáčková, Production Accuracy of L2 Vowels : Phonological Parsimony and Phonetic Flexibility , Research in Language, 2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 169 - 191
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Václav Jonáš Podlipský, Šárka Šimáčková", title = "Production Accuracy of L2 Vowels : Phonological Parsimony and Phonetic Flexibility ", journal = "Research in Language", issue = "2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "169 - 191" }
Degree of Grammaticalisation of «Behind», «Beneath», «Between», and «Betwixt» in Middle Englishs. 193 - 222CZYSTY TEKST
Ewa Ciszek-Kiliszewska, Degree of Grammaticalisation of «Behind», «Beneath», «Between», and «Betwixt» in Middle English , Research in Language, 2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 193 - 222
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewa Ciszek-Kiliszewska", title = "Degree of Grammaticalisation of «Behind», «Beneath», «Between», and «Betwixt» in Middle English ", journal = "Research in Language", issue = "2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "193 - 222" }
The Semantics of the Spanish Adjective Positions : A Matter of Focuss. 223 - 241CZYSTY TEKST
Lotte Dam, The Semantics of the Spanish Adjective Positions : A Matter of Focus , Research in Language, 2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 223 - 241
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Lotte Dam", title = "The Semantics of the Spanish Adjective Positions : A Matter of Focus ", journal = "Research in Language", issue = "2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "223 - 241" }
The Challenge of Terminographic Gaps in Translation : A Text-Based Approach Put to Practices. 243 - 261CZYSTY TEKST
Azizollah Dabaghi, Abbas Mehrpooya, Ahmad Moinzadeh, The Challenge of Terminographic Gaps in Translation : A Text-Based Approach Put to Practice , Research in Language, 2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2, s. 243 - 261
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Azizollah Dabaghi, Abbas Mehrpooya, Ahmad Moinzadeh", title = "The Challenge of Terminographic Gaps in Translation : A Text-Based Approach Put to Practice ", journal = "Research in Language", issue = "2018 / Tom 16 / Numer 2", pages = "243 - 261" }