From the chief editor = Od Redaktora Naczelnegos. 9 - 12CZYSTY TEKST
Adriana Barbara Cieślak, From the chief editor = Od Redaktora Naczelnego, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 9 - 12
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Adriana Barbara Cieślak", title = "From the chief editor = Od Redaktora Naczelnego", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "9 - 12" }
Protection objectives in Polish urban nature reserves as a challenge for their managements. 15 - 28CZYSTY TEKST
Barbara Szulczewska, Maciej Wasilewski, Protection objectives in Polish urban nature reserves as a challenge for their management, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 15 - 28
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Barbara Szulczewska, Maciej Wasilewski", title = "Protection objectives in Polish urban nature reserves as a challenge for their management", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "15 - 28" }
New spatial conditions of regional developments. 29 - 46CZYSTY TEKST
Szymon Opania, New spatial conditions of regional development, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 29 - 46
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Szymon Opania", title = "New spatial conditions of regional development", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "29 - 46" }
Landscape values as a basis for subregional developments. 47 - 59CZYSTY TEKST
Magdalena Opania, Landscape values as a basis for subregional development, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 47 - 59
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magdalena Opania", title = "Landscape values as a basis for subregional development", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "47 - 59" }
Social capital as a determinant of implementation of sustainable developments. 61 - 70CZYSTY TEKST
Paulina Legutko-Kobus, Social capital as a determinant of implementation of sustainable development, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 61 - 70
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Paulina Legutko-Kobus", title = "Social capital as a determinant of implementation of sustainable development", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "61 - 70" }
Unwanted heritage and its cultural potential : values of modernist architecture from the times of the Polish People's Republics. 71 - 83CZYSTY TEKST
Błażej Ciarkowski, Unwanted heritage and its cultural potential : values of modernist architecture from the times of the Polish People's Republic, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 71 - 83
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Błażej Ciarkowski", title = "Unwanted heritage and its cultural potential : values of modernist architecture from the times of the Polish People's Republic", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "71 - 83" }
Tradition and modernity in Władysław Sowicki's pre-war architecture of exposition pavilionss. 85 - 96CZYSTY TEKST
Agata Wereszczyńska, Tradition and modernity in Władysław Sowicki's pre-war architecture of exposition pavilions, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 85 - 96
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agata Wereszczyńska", title = "Tradition and modernity in Władysław Sowicki's pre-war architecture of exposition pavilions", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "85 - 96" }
Environmental and economic assessment of a biomass-based cogeneration plant : Polish case studys. 97 - 114CZYSTY TEKST
Paweł Gładysz, Mateusz Świerzewski, Environmental and economic assessment of a biomass-based cogeneration plant : Polish case study, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 97 - 114
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Paweł Gładysz, Mateusz Świerzewski", title = "Environmental and economic assessment of a biomass-based cogeneration plant : Polish case study", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "97 - 114" }
Digital Era Governance : a new chapter of public management theory and practices. 117 - 129CZYSTY TEKST
Wojciech Białożyt, Digital Era Governance : a new chapter of public management theory and practice, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 117 - 129
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wojciech Białożyt", title = "Digital Era Governance : a new chapter of public management theory and practice", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "117 - 129" }
12th meeting of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget (COTER)s. 133 - 134CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Wajda, 12th meeting of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget (COTER), MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 133 - 134
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Wajda", title = "12th meeting of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy and EU Budget (COTER)", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "133 - 134" }
Information for authors submitting articles to the Mazovia: Regional Studiess. 137 - 138CZYSTY TEKST
Information for authors submitting articles to the Mazovia: Regional Studies, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 137 - 138
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Information for authors submitting articles to the Mazovia: Regional Studies", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "137 - 138" }
Informacje dla autorów publikujących w periodyku MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalnes. 139 - 140CZYSTY TEKST
Informacje dla autorów publikujących w periodyku MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne, 2017 / Tom 22, s. 139 - 140
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Informacje dla autorów publikujących w periodyku MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", journal = "MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne", issue = "2017 / Tom 22", pages = "139 - 140" }