Richard Swinburne, Gregory Palamas and Our Knowledge of God, Studia Humana, 2014 / Numer 9, s. 3 - 12
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Richard Swinburne", title = "Gregory Palamas and Our Knowledge of God", journal = "Studia Humana", issue = "2014 / Numer 9", pages = "3 - 12" }
Alexander S. Karpenko, Philosophical Problems of Foundations of Logic, Studia Humana, 2014 / Numer 9, s. 13 - 26
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Alexander S. Karpenko", title = "Philosophical Problems of Foundations of Logic", journal = "Studia Humana", issue = "2014 / Numer 9", pages = "13 - 26" }
Walter Block, Robert Wutscher, Ordinal Or Cardinal Utility: A Note, Studia Humana, 2014 / Numer 9, s. 27 - 37
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Walter Block, Robert Wutscher", title = "Ordinal Or Cardinal Utility: A Note", journal = "Studia Humana", issue = "2014 / Numer 9", pages = "27 - 37" }
Continuous Logic and Scheduling in Systems with Indeterminate Processing Timess. 38 - 47CZYSTY TEKST
Vitaly I. Levin, Continuous Logic and Scheduling in Systems with Indeterminate Processing Times, Studia Humana, 2014 / Numer 9, s. 38 - 47
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Vitaly I. Levin", title = "Continuous Logic and Scheduling in Systems with Indeterminate Processing Times", journal = "Studia Humana", issue = "2014 / Numer 9", pages = "38 - 47" }
Semën Kutateladze, Andrew Schumann, Is Russian Mathematics Promising Still?, Studia Humana, 2014 / Numer 9, s. 48 - 50
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Semën Kutateladze, Andrew Schumann", title = "Is Russian Mathematics Promising Still?", journal = "Studia Humana", issue = "2014 / Numer 9", pages = "48 - 50" }