Gdańsk as Presented in Selected Poems of 16th and 17th Centurys. 15 - 32CZYSTY TEKST
Renata Gałaj, Gdańsk as Presented in Selected Poems of 16th and 17th Century, Studia Maritima, 2002 / Tom 15, s. 15 - 32
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Renata Gałaj", title = "Gdańsk as Presented in Selected Poems of 16th and 17th Century", journal = "Studia Maritima", issue = "2002 / Tom 15", pages = "15 - 32" }
Kontakte Stockholms im Schifffahrts- und Handelsbereich mit Stettin und Wolgast im Jahre 1725 anhand von stockholmer Zollbücherns. 33 - 51CZYSTY TEKST
Jerzy Trzoska, Kontakte Stockholms im Schifffahrts- und Handelsbereich mit Stettin und Wolgast im Jahre 1725 anhand von stockholmer Zollbüchern , Studia Maritima, 2002 / Tom 15, s. 33 - 51
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jerzy Trzoska", title = "Kontakte Stockholms im Schifffahrts- und Handelsbereich mit Stettin und Wolgast im Jahre 1725 anhand von stockholmer Zollbüchern ", journal = "Studia Maritima", issue = "2002 / Tom 15", pages = "33 - 51" }
Jerzy Woyna-Okołow – der Vertreter Polens/Liteuens in Königsberg in den Jahren 1792-1794s. 53 - 76CZYSTY TEKST
Jacek Wijaczka, Jerzy Woyna-Okołow – der Vertreter Polens/Liteuens in Königsberg in den Jahren 1792-1794, Studia Maritima, 2002 / Tom 15, s. 53 - 76
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jacek Wijaczka", title = "Jerzy Woyna-Okołow – der Vertreter Polens/Liteuens in Königsberg in den Jahren 1792-1794", journal = "Studia Maritima", issue = "2002 / Tom 15", pages = "53 - 76" }
Sweden and the Swedish Rule as Perceived by 18th Century Russian and Prussian Politicss. 77 - 91CZYSTY TEKST
Gabriela Majewska, Sweden and the Swedish Rule as Perceived by 18th Century Russian and Prussian Politics, Studia Maritima, 2002 / Tom 15, s. 77 - 91
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Gabriela Majewska", title = "Sweden and the Swedish Rule as Perceived by 18th Century Russian and Prussian Politics", journal = "Studia Maritima", issue = "2002 / Tom 15", pages = "77 - 91" }
The Beginnings of the Counterrevolutionary Policy of King Gustavus III : The Stockholm Court and Louis XVI's Unsuccessful Escape from Paris in June 1791s. 93 - 136CZYSTY TEKST
Zbigniew Anusik, The Beginnings of the Counterrevolutionary Policy of King Gustavus III : The Stockholm Court and Louis XVI's Unsuccessful Escape from Paris in June 1791, Studia Maritima, 2002 / Tom 15, s. 93 - 136
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Anusik", title = "The Beginnings of the Counterrevolutionary Policy of King Gustavus III : The Stockholm Court and Louis XVI's Unsuccessful Escape from Paris in June 1791", journal = "Studia Maritima", issue = "2002 / Tom 15", pages = "93 - 136" }
Der Skandinavismus im 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. 137 - 154CZYSTY TEKST
Kersten Krüger, Der Skandinavismus im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Studia Maritima, 2002 / Tom 15, s. 137 - 154
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kersten Krüger", title = "Der Skandinavismus im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert", journal = "Studia Maritima", issue = "2002 / Tom 15", pages = "137 - 154" }
The American Attitude towards Finland and Poland in 1917 and 1918 : An Attempt of Comparisons. 155 - 175CZYSTY TEKST
Jarosław Suchoples, The American Attitude towards Finland and Poland in 1917 and 1918 : An Attempt of Comparison, Studia Maritima, 2002 / Tom 15, s. 155 - 175
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jarosław Suchoples", title = "The American Attitude towards Finland and Poland in 1917 and 1918 : An Attempt of Comparison", journal = "Studia Maritima", issue = "2002 / Tom 15", pages = "155 - 175" }
Probleme der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Skandinavischen Staaten in der Zwischenkriegszeit (1918-1940)s. 177 - 202CZYSTY TEKST
Bolesław Hajduk, Probleme der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Skandinavischen Staaten in der Zwischenkriegszeit (1918-1940), Studia Maritima, 2002 / Tom 15, s. 177 - 202
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Bolesław Hajduk", title = "Probleme der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Skandinavischen Staaten in der Zwischenkriegszeit (1918-1940)", journal = "Studia Maritima", issue = "2002 / Tom 15", pages = "177 - 202" }
Maritime Subiect Matter of the 19th and 20th Centuries in Polish Historiographys. 203 - 226CZYSTY TEKST
Edward Włodarczyk, Maritime Subiect Matter of the 19th and 20th Centuries in Polish Historiography, Studia Maritima, 2002 / Tom 15, s. 203 - 226
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Edward Włodarczyk", title = "Maritime Subiect Matter of the 19th and 20th Centuries in Polish Historiography", journal = "Studia Maritima", issue = "2002 / Tom 15", pages = "203 - 226" }
A Report from the Conference Titled "Turning Points in the Development of Maritime Economy within the Pomerania Region in 15th-20th Century" Held in Słupsk on November 29-30, 2001s. 227 - 230CZYSTY TEKST
Anita Olejnik, Beata Zawadka, A Report from the Conference Titled "Turning Points in the Development of Maritime Economy within the Pomerania Region in 15th-20th Century" Held in Słupsk on November 29-30, 2001, Studia Maritima, 2002 / Tom 15, s. 227 - 230
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anita Olejnik, Beata Zawadka", title = "A Report from the Conference Titled "Turning Points in the Development of Maritime Economy within the Pomerania Region in 15th-20th Century" Held in Słupsk on November 29-30, 2001", journal = "Studia Maritima", issue = "2002 / Tom 15", pages = "227 - 230" }