Foreword, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 5
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Foreword", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "5" }
Instructions for authors, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 7 - 8
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Instructions for authors", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "7 - 8" }
Andrzej Czop, Jacek Gałuszka, Mass events security – theory and practice, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 9 - 18
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Andrzej Czop, Jacek Gałuszka", title = "Mass events security – theory and practice", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "9 - 18" }
Jarosław Cymerski, The Influence of Alliances on the Safety of the State, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 19 - 32
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jarosław Cymerski", title = "The Influence of Alliances on the Safety of the State", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "19 - 32" }
Malwina Dankiewicz, Methods of detecting potential terrorists at airports, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 33 - 46
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Malwina Dankiewicz", title = "Methods of detecting potential terrorists at airports", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "33 - 46" }
Izabela Dzierwa-Pabin, Judgment by default, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 47 - 61
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Izabela Dzierwa-Pabin", title = "Judgment by default", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "47 - 61" }
Petr Selinger, Technical protection of objects, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 62 - 69
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Petr Selinger", title = "Technical protection of objects", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "62 - 69" }
Legal and organizational aspects of conducting joint operations of BG with selected elements of internal security system of the states. 70 - 83CZYSTY TEKST
Barbara Kaczmarczyk, Legal and organizational aspects of conducting joint operations of BG with selected elements of internal security system of the state, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 70 - 83
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Barbara Kaczmarczyk", title = "Legal and organizational aspects of conducting joint operations of BG with selected elements of internal security system of the state", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "70 - 83" }
Janusz Falecki, Bolesław Markowski, The crisis and the crisis situation – relations, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 84 - 94
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Janusz Falecki, Bolesław Markowski", title = "The crisis and the crisis situation – relations", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "84 - 94" }
Jarosław Prońko, The endogenous causes of terrorism, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 95 - 117
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jarosław Prońko", title = "The endogenous causes of terrorism", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "95 - 117" }
Juliusz Piwowarski, Tradition and modernity of Japanese security culture, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 118 - 126
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Juliusz Piwowarski", title = "Tradition and modernity of Japanese security culture", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "118 - 126" }
Aleksandra Zubrzycka, The costs of studying and the structure of student budgets - a review, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 127 - 136
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aleksandra Zubrzycka", title = "The costs of studying and the structure of student budgets - a review", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "127 - 136" }
Juridical character of conditional suspension of the carrying out of a sentences. 137 - 155CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Cichoński, Justyna Węgrzynowicz, Juridical character of conditional suspension of the carrying out of a sentence, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 137 - 155
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Cichoński, Justyna Węgrzynowicz", title = "Juridical character of conditional suspension of the carrying out of a sentence", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "137 - 155" }
Noty o autorach, Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies, 2012 / Numer 7, s. 156 - 160
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Noty o autorach", journal = "Security Dimensions and Socio-Legal Studies", issue = "2012 / Numer 7", pages = "156 - 160" }