Compositionality is not the problems. 7 - 33CZYSTY TEKST
Wilfrid Hodges, Compositionality is not the problem, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 7 - 33
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wilfrid Hodges", title = "Compositionality is not the problem", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "7 - 33" }
Continuous lattices and Whiteheadian theory of spaces. 35 - 54CZYSTY TEKST
Thomas Mormann, Continuous lattices and Whiteheadian theory of space, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 35 - 54
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Thomas Mormann", title = "Continuous lattices and Whiteheadian theory of space", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "35 - 54" }
Is Stoic logic classical?s. 55 - 61CZYSTY TEKST
Marek Nasieniewski, Is Stoic logic classical?, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 55 - 61
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marek Nasieniewski", title = "Is Stoic logic classical?", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "55 - 61" }
Incompleteness, constructivism and truths. 63 - 76CZYSTY TEKST
Fabrice Petaut, Incompleteness, constructivism and truth, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 63 - 76
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Fabrice Petaut", title = "Incompleteness, constructivism and truth", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "63 - 76" }
Theorem proving with built-in hybrid theoriess. 77 - 107CZYSTY TEKST
Uwe Petermann, Theorem proving with built-in hybrid theories, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 77 - 107
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Uwe Petermann", title = "Theorem proving with built-in hybrid theories", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "77 - 107" }
Some ontological problems concerning predications. 109 - 131CZYSTY TEKST
Marek Rosiak, Some ontological problems concerning predication, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 109 - 131
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marek Rosiak", title = "Some ontological problems concerning predication", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "109 - 131" }
Leśniewski-quantifiers and modal arguments in legal discourses. 133 - 155CZYSTY TEKST
Burkhard Schäfer, Leśniewski-quantifiers and modal arguments in legal discourse, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 133 - 155
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Burkhard Schäfer", title = "Leśniewski-quantifiers and modal arguments in legal discourse", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "133 - 155" }
Was Tarski a deflationist?s. 157 - 172CZYSTY TEKST
Richard Schantz, Was Tarski a deflationist?, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 157 - 172
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Richard Schantz", title = "Was Tarski a deflationist?", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "157 - 172" }
A general principle for purely model-theoretical proofs of Gödel’s second incompleteness theorems. 173 - 185CZYSTY TEKST
Dirk Ullrich, A general principle for purely model-theoretical proofs of Gödel’s second incompleteness theorem, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 173 - 185
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dirk Ullrich", title = "A general principle for purely model-theoretical proofs of Gödel’s second incompleteness theorem", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "173 - 185" }
Some remarks concerning modal propositional logic of questionss. 187 - 196CZYSTY TEKST
Mariusz Urbański, Some remarks concerning modal propositional logic of questions, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 187 - 196
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mariusz Urbański", title = "Some remarks concerning modal propositional logic of questions", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "187 - 196" }
Making use of logics. 197 - 207CZYSTY TEKST
Max Urchs, Making use of logic, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 197 - 207
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Max Urchs", title = "Making use of logic", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "197 - 207" }
Notes on references. 209 - 223CZYSTY TEKST
Jan Woleński, Notes on reference, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 209 - 223
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jan Woleński", title = "Notes on reference", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "209 - 223" }
The algebraic face of minimalitys. 225 - 240CZYSTY TEKST
Frank Wolter, The algebraic face of minimality, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 225 - 240
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Frank Wolter", title = "The algebraic face of minimality", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "225 - 240" }
Is “being” predicated in only one sense, after all?s. 241 - 258CZYSTY TEKST
Wojciech Żełaniec, Is “being” predicated in only one sense, after all?, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 1998 / Tom 6, s. 241 - 258
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wojciech Żełaniec", title = "Is “being” predicated in only one sense, after all?", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "1998 / Tom 6", pages = "241 - 258" }