Anthologizing Sir Samuel Ferguson: Literature, History, Politicss. 1 - 13CZYSTY TEKST
Jan Jędrzejewski, Anthologizing Sir Samuel Ferguson: Literature, History, Politics , Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 1 - 13
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jan Jędrzejewski", title = "Anthologizing Sir Samuel Ferguson: Literature, History, Politics ", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "1 - 13" }
Editorials. 7 - 13CZYSTY TEKST
Pamela Sue Anderson, Editorial , Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 7 - 13
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Pamela Sue Anderson", title = "Editorial ", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "7 - 13" }
Mieke Bal: “Writing with Images”s. 15 - 27CZYSTY TEKST
Mieke Bal, Dorota Filipczak, Mieke Bal: “Writing with Images” , Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 15 - 27
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mieke Bal, Dorota Filipczak", title = "Mieke Bal: “Writing with Images” ", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "15 - 27" }
Lost Confidence and Human Capability: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of the Gendered, yet Capable Subjects. 31 - 52CZYSTY TEKST
Pamela Sue Anderson, Lost Confidence and Human Capability: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of the Gendered, yet Capable Subject, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 31 - 52
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Pamela Sue Anderson", title = "Lost Confidence and Human Capability: A Hermeneutic Phenomenology of the Gendered, yet Capable Subject", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "31 - 52" }
“Eyes wide shut”: Paul Ricoeur’s Biblical Hermeneutics and the Course of Recognition in John Milton’s Paradise Losts. 53 - 68CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Grzegorzewska, “Eyes wide shut”: Paul Ricoeur’s Biblical Hermeneutics and the Course of Recognition in John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 53 - 68
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Grzegorzewska", title = "“Eyes wide shut”: Paul Ricoeur’s Biblical Hermeneutics and the Course of Recognition in John Milton’s Paradise Lost", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "53 - 68" }
To Look at Things as if They Could Be Otherwise: Educating the Imaginations. 69 - 80CZYSTY TEKST
Laurie Anderson, To Look at Things as if They Could Be Otherwise: Educating the Imagination, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 69 - 80
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Laurie Anderson", title = "To Look at Things as if They Could Be Otherwise: Educating the Imagination", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "69 - 80" }
Testimony, Responsibility and Recognition: A Ricoeurian Response to Crises of Sexual Abuses. 81 - 98CZYSTY TEKST
John Crowley-Buck, Testimony, Responsibility and Recognition: A Ricoeurian Response to Crises of Sexual Abuse, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 81 - 98
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " John Crowley-Buck", title = "Testimony, Responsibility and Recognition: A Ricoeurian Response to Crises of Sexual Abuse", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "81 - 98" }
Reading The Road with Paul Ricoeur and Julia Kristeva: The Human Body as a Sacred Connections. 99 - 115CZYSTY TEKST
Stephanie Arel, Reading The Road with Paul Ricoeur and Julia Kristeva: The Human Body as a Sacred Connection, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 99 - 115
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stephanie Arel", title = "Reading The Road with Paul Ricoeur and Julia Kristeva: The Human Body as a Sacred Connection", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "99 - 115" }
“When China Meets China”: Sinéad Morrissey’s Figurations of the Orient, or the Function of Alterity in Julia Kristeva and Paul Ricoeurs. 116 - 131CZYSTY TEKST
Grzegorz Czemiel, “When China Meets China”: Sinéad Morrissey’s Figurations of the Orient, or the Function of Alterity in Julia Kristeva and Paul Ricoeur, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 116 - 131
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grzegorz Czemiel", title = "“When China Meets China”: Sinéad Morrissey’s Figurations of the Orient, or the Function of Alterity in Julia Kristeva and Paul Ricoeur", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "116 - 131" }
Kristeva: The Individual, the Symbolic and Feminist Readings of the Biblical Texts. 132 - 144CZYSTY TEKST
Joshua Roe, Kristeva: The Individual, the Symbolic and Feminist Readings of the Biblical Text, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 132 - 144
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joshua Roe", title = "Kristeva: The Individual, the Symbolic and Feminist Readings of the Biblical Text", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "132 - 144" }
Kristeva: The Individual, the Symbolic and Feminist Readings of the Biblical Texts. 145 - 160CZYSTY TEKST
Sylvie Gambaudo, Kristeva: The Individual, the Symbolic and Feminist Readings of the Biblical Text, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 145 - 160
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Sylvie Gambaudo", title = "Kristeva: The Individual, the Symbolic and Feminist Readings of the Biblical Text", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "145 - 160" }
Abjection and Sexually Specific Violence in Doris Lessing’s The Clefts. 161 - 172CZYSTY TEKST
Dorota Filipczak, Abjection and Sexually Specific Violence in Doris Lessing’s The Cleft, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 161 - 172
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dorota Filipczak", title = "Abjection and Sexually Specific Violence in Doris Lessing’s The Cleft", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "161 - 172" }
Taking Sides on Severed Heads: Kristeva at the Louvres. 173 - 183CZYSTY TEKST
Alison Jasper, Taking Sides on Severed Heads: Kristeva at the Louvre, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 173 - 183
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Alison Jasper", title = "Taking Sides on Severed Heads: Kristeva at the Louvre", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "173 - 183" }
Convention, Repetition and Abjection: The Way of the Gothics. 184 - 193CZYSTY TEKST
Agnieszka Łowczanin, Convention, Repetition and Abjection: The Way of the Gothic, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 184 - 193
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnieszka Łowczanin", title = "Convention, Repetition and Abjection: The Way of the Gothic", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "184 - 193" }
A Cypriot Story about Love and Hatreds. 197 - 206CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Dąbrowska, A Cypriot Story about Love and Hatred, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 197 - 206
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Dąbrowska", title = "A Cypriot Story about Love and Hatred", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "197 - 206" }
Recalling All the Olympians: W. B. Yeats’s “Beautiful Lofty Things,” On the Boiler and the Agenda of National Rebirths. 222 - 236CZYSTY TEKST
Wit Pietrzak, Recalling All the Olympians: W. B. Yeats’s “Beautiful Lofty Things,” On the Boiler and the Agenda of National Rebirth, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 222 - 236
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wit Pietrzak", title = "Recalling All the Olympians: W. B. Yeats’s “Beautiful Lofty Things,” On the Boiler and the Agenda of National Rebirth", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "222 - 236" }
A Review of Christina M. Gschwandtner’s Postmodern Apologetics? Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy : New York: Fordham UP, 2013s. 239 - 243CZYSTY TEKST
Michael D’Angeli, A Review of Christina M. Gschwandtner’s Postmodern Apologetics? Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy : New York: Fordham UP, 2013, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 239 - 243
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michael D’Angeli", title = "A Review of Christina M. Gschwandtner’s Postmodern Apologetics? Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy : New York: Fordham UP, 2013", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "239 - 243" }
The Privilege to Write What You Wants. 244 - 247CZYSTY TEKST
Joanna Kosmalska, Doyle Roddy, The Privilege to Write What You Want, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 244 - 247
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Kosmalska, Doyle Roddy", title = "The Privilege to Write What You Want", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "244 - 247" }
Goodbye Polsko, Hello Anglios. 248 - 253CZYSTY TEKST
Joanna Czechowska, Joanna Kosmalska, Goodbye Polsko, Hello Anglio, Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture, 2014 / Tom 4, s. 248 - 253
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Czechowska, Joanna Kosmalska", title = "Goodbye Polsko, Hello Anglio", journal = "Text Matters. A Journal of Literature Theory and Culture", issue = "2014 / Tom 4", pages = "248 - 253" }