About authorss. 5 - 9CZYSTY TEKST
About authors, Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 5 - 9
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "About authors", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "5 - 9" }
Introductions. 11 - 13CZYSTY TEKST
Brian C. Russo, Introduction, Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 11 - 13
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Brian C. Russo", title = "Introduction", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "11 - 13" }
Translator as the Prime Director in the Target Language Theatre on the Example of Polish Translations of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"s. 15 - 37CZYSTY TEKST
Olga Mastela, Translator as the Prime Director in the Target Language Theatre on the Example of Polish Translations of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" , Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 15 - 37
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Olga Mastela", title = "Translator as the Prime Director in the Target Language Theatre on the Example of Polish Translations of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" ", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "15 - 37" }
Translating the Rhythm in "Hamlet"s. 39 - 44CZYSTY TEKST
Shoichiro Kawai, Translating the Rhythm in "Hamlet" , Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 39 - 44
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Shoichiro Kawai", title = "Translating the Rhythm in "Hamlet" ", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "39 - 44" }
Shakespeare’s History Plays in Japans. 45 - 55CZYSTY TEKST
Yoshiko Kawachi, Shakespeare’s History Plays in Japan , Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 45 - 55
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Yoshiko Kawachi", title = "Shakespeare’s History Plays in Japan ", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "45 - 55" }
From the Humbled King to the Pitied Adulteress. Localization of Shakespeare in Cao Yus. 57 - 68CZYSTY TEKST
Chen Hong, Chen Lihua, From the Humbled King to the Pitied Adulteress. Localization of Shakespeare in Cao Yu , Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 57 - 68
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Chen Hong, Chen Lihua", title = "From the Humbled King to the Pitied Adulteress. Localization of Shakespeare in Cao Yu ", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "57 - 68" }
Rereading Shakespeare’s Ophelia: Marcelo Marchioro’s Performance Aestheticss. 69 - 80CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Stegh Camati, Rereading Shakespeare’s Ophelia: Marcelo Marchioro’s Performance Aesthetics, Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 69 - 80
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Stegh Camati", title = "Rereading Shakespeare’s Ophelia: Marcelo Marchioro’s Performance Aesthetics", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "69 - 80" }
Scenes of Silence: Titus Andronicus and Nietzsches Concept of Onenesss. 81 - 94CZYSTY TEKST
Erick Ramalho, Scenes of Silence: Titus Andronicus and Nietzsches Concept of Oneness , Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 81 - 94
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Erick Ramalho", title = "Scenes of Silence: Titus Andronicus and Nietzsches Concept of Oneness ", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "81 - 94" }
"Shakespeare", Chakrabarti Swapan, Kolkata 1999 : [recenzja]s. 95 - 96CZYSTY TEKST
Piyas Chakravorty, Chakrabarti Swapan, "Shakespeare", Chakrabarti Swapan, Kolkata 1999 : [recenzja], Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 95 - 96
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piyas Chakravorty, Chakrabarti Swapan", title = ""Shakespeare", Chakrabarti Swapan, Kolkata 1999 : [recenzja]", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "95 - 96" }
"Perechityvaja Shekspira: raboty raznykh let", Mark Sokolyansky, Odessa 2000 : [recenzja]s. 97 - 99CZYSTY TEKST
Ekaterina Rakitina, Mark Sokolyansky, Artyom Zorin, "Perechityvaja Shekspira: raboty raznykh let", Mark Sokolyansky, Odessa 2000 : [recenzja], Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 97 - 99
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ekaterina Rakitina, Mark Sokolyansky, Artyom Zorin", title = ""Perechityvaja Shekspira: raboty raznykh let", Mark Sokolyansky, Odessa 2000 : [recenzja]", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "97 - 99" }
"Kłamliwe posłanie. Lektury sonetów Shakespeare'a", eds. Marta Gibińska, Agnieszka Pokojska, Kraków 2005 : [recenzja]s. 100 - 103CZYSTY TEKST
Marta Gibińska, Agnieszka Pokojska, Joanna Sadowska, "Kłamliwe posłanie. Lektury sonetów Shakespeare'a", eds. Marta Gibińska, Agnieszka Pokojska, Kraków 2005 : [recenzja], Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 100 - 103
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marta Gibińska, Agnieszka Pokojska, Joanna Sadowska", title = ""Kłamliwe posłanie. Lektury sonetów Shakespeare'a", eds. Marta Gibińska, Agnieszka Pokojska, Kraków 2005 : [recenzja]", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "100 - 103" }
The Complete Works of Shakespeares. 105 - 106CZYSTY TEKST
Veronica D'Auria, The Complete Works of Shakespeare, Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 105 - 106
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Veronica D'Auria", title = "The Complete Works of Shakespeare", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "105 - 106" }
King John; Measure for Measure; Troilus and Cressida: First Shots. 106 - 109CZYSTY TEKST
Xenia Georgopoulou, King John; Measure for Measure; Troilus and Cressida: First Shot, Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 106 - 109
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Xenia Georgopoulou", title = "King John; Measure for Measure; Troilus and Cressida: First Shot", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "106 - 109" }
Hamlets. 110 - 113CZYSTY TEKST
Tali Silberstein, Hamlet , Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 110 - 113
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tali Silberstein", title = "Hamlet ", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "110 - 113" }
In Memorian Wolodymyr T. Zylas. 115 - 116CZYSTY TEKST
In Memorian Wolodymyr T. Zyla, Multicultural Shakespeare, 2006 / Tom 3, s. 115 - 116
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "In Memorian Wolodymyr T. Zyla", journal = "Multicultural Shakespeare", issue = "2006 / Tom 3", pages = "115 - 116" }