Editorial forewords. 5 - 6CZYSTY TEKST
Maciej Bernatt, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka, Laura Zaboli, Editorial foreword , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 5 - 6
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maciej Bernatt, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka, Laura Zaboli", title = "Editorial foreword ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "5 - 6" }
Using Competitors' Data - A Role for Competition Law? : Some Thoughts on the Amazon Marketplace Cases. 7 - 31CZYSTY TEKST
Iga Małobęcka-Szwast, Using Competitors' Data - A Role for Competition Law? : Some Thoughts on the Amazon Marketplace Case , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 7 - 31
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Iga Małobęcka-Szwast", title = "Using Competitors' Data - A Role for Competition Law? : Some Thoughts on the Amazon Marketplace Case ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "7 - 31" }
No Strings Attached? : Zero-Price Practices on Social Media Markets under EU Abuse of Dominance Assessments. 33 - 62CZYSTY TEKST
Marta Sznajder, No Strings Attached? : Zero-Price Practices on Social Media Markets under EU Abuse of Dominance Assessment , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 33 - 62
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marta Sznajder", title = "No Strings Attached? : Zero-Price Practices on Social Media Markets under EU Abuse of Dominance Assessment ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "33 - 62" }
Has the Turning Point Been Missed? : Exclusivity Payments Granted by Dominant Undertakings in the Light of the Enforcement Priorities Guidances. 63 - 93CZYSTY TEKST
Tomasz Krzyżewski, Has the Turning Point Been Missed? : Exclusivity Payments Granted by Dominant Undertakings in the Light of the Enforcement Priorities Guidance , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 63 - 93
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Krzyżewski", title = "Has the Turning Point Been Missed? : Exclusivity Payments Granted by Dominant Undertakings in the Light of the Enforcement Priorities Guidance ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "63 - 93" }
The (Ab)use of Soft Law in Shaping EU Competition Law : Undermining the Effectiveness of Leniency Programmess. 95 - 115CZYSTY TEKST
Javier Guillen Carames, The (Ab)use of Soft Law in Shaping EU Competition Law : Undermining the Effectiveness of Leniency Programmes , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 95 - 115
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Javier Guillen Carames", title = "The (Ab)use of Soft Law in Shaping EU Competition Law : Undermining the Effectiveness of Leniency Programmes ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "95 - 115" }
Competition Issues in the Croatian Seaport Sector Regarding the Provision of Nautical Tourism Servicess. 117 - 137CZYSTY TEKST
Božena Bulum, Marija Pijaca, Željka Primorac, Competition Issues in the Croatian Seaport Sector Regarding the Provision of Nautical Tourism Services , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 117 - 137
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Božena Bulum, Marija Pijaca, Željka Primorac", title = "Competition Issues in the Croatian Seaport Sector Regarding the Provision of Nautical Tourism Services ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "117 - 137" }
Productivity and Competitiveness of the Agricultural Sector in Polands. 139 - 158CZYSTY TEKST
Tadeusz Pomianek, Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica, Productivity and Competitiveness of the Agricultural Sector in Poland , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 139 - 158
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tadeusz Pomianek, Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica", title = "Productivity and Competitiveness of the Agricultural Sector in Poland ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "139 - 158" }
How Much May an Unreasonable Delay Cost? : TAR Lazio Annuls the Highest Sanction ever Issued by the Italian Competition Authoritys. 159 - 175CZYSTY TEKST
Elisa Luna Scimeca, Zofia M. Mazur, How Much May an Unreasonable Delay Cost? : TAR Lazio Annuls the Highest Sanction ever Issued by the Italian Competition Authority , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 159 - 175
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Elisa Luna Scimeca, Zofia M. Mazur", title = "How Much May an Unreasonable Delay Cost? : TAR Lazio Annuls the Highest Sanction ever Issued by the Italian Competition Authority ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "159 - 175" }
Product Sustainability in Defining the Relevant Market and Expert Evidence : Comment on the Judgment of the Polish Supreme Court of 29 July 2020 (I NSK 8/19)s. 177 - 185CZYSTY TEKST
Rafał R. Wasilewska, Product Sustainability in Defining the Relevant Market and Expert Evidence : Comment on the Judgment of the Polish Supreme Court of 29 July 2020 (I NSK 8/19), Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 177 - 185
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Rafał R. Wasilewska", title = "Product Sustainability in Defining the Relevant Market and Expert Evidence : Comment on the Judgment of the Polish Supreme Court of 29 July 2020 (I NSK 8/19)", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "177 - 185" }
Can Coordination between the Producer and the Distributor in the Process of Calculating Prices and their Structure in the Tariff Process by Regarded as Legally Prohibited, Having Regard to the Provisions of Sectorial Regulation and the Regulatory Practice? : Case Comment to Decision of the President of UOKiK of 3 December 2020, DOK-5/2020s. 187 - 205CZYSTY TEKST
Filip Elżanowski, Can Coordination between the Producer and the Distributor in the Process of Calculating Prices and their Structure in the Tariff Process by Regarded as Legally Prohibited, Having Regard to the Provisions of Sectorial Regulation and the Regulatory Practice? : Case Comment to Decision of the President of UOKiK of 3 December 2020, DOK-5/2020 , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 187 - 205
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Filip Elżanowski", title = "Can Coordination between the Producer and the Distributor in the Process of Calculating Prices and their Structure in the Tariff Process by Regarded as Legally Prohibited, Having Regard to the Provisions of Sectorial Regulation and the Regulatory Practice? : Case Comment to Decision of the President of UOKiK of 3 December 2020, DOK-5/2020 ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "187 - 205" }
"Experimentalist Competition Law and the Regulation Markets", Yane Svietiev, Oxford, New York 2020 : [recenzja]s. 207 - 209CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Mleczko, Yane Svietiev, "Experimentalist Competition Law and the Regulation Markets", Yane Svietiev, Oxford, New York 2020 : [recenzja] , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 207 - 209
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Mleczko, Yane Svietiev", title = ""Experimentalist Competition Law and the Regulation Markets", Yane Svietiev, Oxford, New York 2020 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "207 - 209" }
"ASCOLA South East Europe Chapter Webinars Series", September-December 2020s. 211 - 214CZYSTY TEKST
Jasminka Pecotic Kaufman, Alexandr Svetlicinii, "ASCOLA South East Europe Chapter Webinars Series", September-December 2020 , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 211 - 214
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jasminka Pecotic Kaufman, Alexandr Svetlicinii", title = ""ASCOLA South East Europe Chapter Webinars Series", September-December 2020 ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "211 - 214" }
"Implementation of the ECN+ Directive in Poland - Towards a More Effective Application of EU Competition Law?", Conference of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, Warsaw, 2 March 2021s. 215 - 219CZYSTY TEKST
Monika Woźniak-Cichuta, "Implementation of the ECN+ Directive in Poland - Towards a More Effective Application of EU Competition Law?", Conference of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, Warsaw, 2 March 2021 , Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 2021 / Tom 14 (24), s. 215 - 219
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Monika Woźniak-Cichuta", title = ""Implementation of the ECN+ Directive in Poland - Towards a More Effective Application of EU Competition Law?", Conference of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, Warsaw, 2 March 2021 ", journal = "Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies", issue = "2021 / Tom 14 (24)", pages = "215 - 219" }