Professor Walery Pisarek (1931–2017) : in memoriams. 153 - 157CZYSTY TEKST
Bogusława Dobek-Ostrowska, Michał Głowacki, Agnieszka Hess, Iwona Hofman, Wojciech Kajtoch, Jerzy Olędzki, Professor Walery Pisarek (1931–2017) : in memoriam, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 153 - 157
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Bogusława Dobek-Ostrowska, Michał Głowacki, Agnieszka Hess, Iwona Hofman, Wojciech Kajtoch, Jerzy Olędzki", title = "Professor Walery Pisarek (1931–2017) : in memoriam", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "153 - 157" }
In the spiral of mistrust: On the decline of public trust in Czech journalistss. 159 - 179CZYSTY TEKST
Marína Urbániková, Jaromír Volek, In the spiral of mistrust: On the decline of public trust in Czech journalists, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 159 - 179
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marína Urbániková, Jaromír Volek", title = "In the spiral of mistrust: On the decline of public trust in Czech journalists", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "159 - 179" }
A socio-demographic portrait of Central and Eastern European (CEE) journalists: A comparative analysis of the journalistic profession in eight CEE countries using the Worlds of Journalism Studys. 180 - 192CZYSTY TEKST
Natalia Vasilendiuc, A socio-demographic portrait of Central and Eastern European (CEE) journalists: A comparative analysis of the journalistic profession in eight CEE countries using the Worlds of Journalism Study, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 180 - 192
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Natalia Vasilendiuc", title = "A socio-demographic portrait of Central and Eastern European (CEE) journalists: A comparative analysis of the journalistic profession in eight CEE countries using the Worlds of Journalism Study", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "180 - 192" }
An integrated model for public service media governance based on participatory governance and actor-centered institutionalism: Initial application to the independence of the Polish public broadcaster TVP S.A.s. 193 - 209CZYSTY TEKST
Magdalena Ploch, An integrated model for public service media governance based on participatory governance and actor-centered institutionalism: Initial application to the independence of the Polish public broadcaster TVP S.A., Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 193 - 209
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magdalena Ploch", title = "An integrated model for public service media governance based on participatory governance and actor-centered institutionalism: Initial application to the independence of the Polish public broadcaster TVP S.A.", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "193 - 209" }
Polish discourses concerning the Spanish Civil War : Analysis of the Polish press 1936–2015s. 210 - 225CZYSTY TEKST
Wojciech Opioła, Polish discourses concerning the Spanish Civil War : Analysis of the Polish press 1936–2015, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 210 - 225
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wojciech Opioła", title = "Polish discourses concerning the Spanish Civil War : Analysis of the Polish press 1936–2015", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "210 - 225" }
Rhetorical continuity and shifts in war messages: George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush on Iraqs. 226 - 238CZYSTY TEKST
Marta Rzepecka, Rhetorical continuity and shifts in war messages: George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush on Iraq, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 226 - 238
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marta Rzepecka", title = "Rhetorical continuity and shifts in war messages: George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush on Iraq", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "226 - 238" }
Facebook influences you more than me: The perceived impact of social media effects among young Facebook userss. 239 - 253CZYSTY TEKST
Raluca Buturoiu, Nicoleta Corbu, Oana Ştefăniţă, Facebook influences you more than me: The perceived impact of social media effects among young Facebook users, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 239 - 253
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Raluca Buturoiu, Nicoleta Corbu, Oana Ştefăniţă", title = "Facebook influences you more than me: The perceived impact of social media effects among young Facebook users", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "239 - 253" }
"Freedom of Speech in Russia: politics and media from Gorbachev to Putin", Daphne Skillen, New York 2017 : [recenzja]s. 255 - 258CZYSTY TEKST
Daphne Skillen, D. S. Novatorova, "Freedom of Speech in Russia: politics and media from Gorbachev to Putin", Daphne Skillen, New York 2017 : [recenzja], Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 255 - 258
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Daphne Skillen, D. S. Novatorova", title = ""Freedom of Speech in Russia: politics and media from Gorbachev to Putin", Daphne Skillen, New York 2017 : [recenzja]", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "255 - 258" }
Notes on contributorss. 259 - 260CZYSTY TEKST
Notes on contributors, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 259 - 260
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Notes on contributors", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "259 - 260" }
The 10th Anniversary of the Polish Communication Association (PTKS) : "Developments and Challenges of Media and Communication Studies in Poland", Wrocław, Poland, April 15–26, 2017s. 261 - 262CZYSTY TEKST
Julia Trzcińska, The 10th Anniversary of the Polish Communication Association (PTKS) : "Developments and Challenges of Media and Communication Studies in Poland", Wrocław, Poland, April 15–26, 2017, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 261 - 262
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Julia Trzcińska", title = "The 10th Anniversary of the Polish Communication Association (PTKS) : "Developments and Challenges of Media and Communication Studies in Poland", Wrocław, Poland, April 15–26, 2017", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "261 - 262" }
The 67th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference : "Interventions: Communication Research and Practice", San Diego, USA, May 25–29, 2017s. 262 - 263CZYSTY TEKST
Agnieszka Stępińska, The 67th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference : "Interventions: Communication Research and Practice", San Diego, USA, May 25–29, 2017, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 262 - 263
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnieszka Stępińska", title = "The 67th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference : "Interventions: Communication Research and Practice", San Diego, USA, May 25–29, 2017", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "262 - 263" }
10th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media (CEECOM) Conference : "Critique of/at/on periphery?", Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 15–17, 2017s. 264 - 265CZYSTY TEKST
Róża Smolak, 10th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media (CEECOM) Conference : "Critique of/at/on periphery?", Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 15–17, 2017, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 264 - 265
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Róża Smolak", title = "10th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media (CEECOM) Conference : "Critique of/at/on periphery?", Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 15–17, 2017", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "264 - 265" }
10 Years of Central and Eastern European Communication and Media (CEECom) Conferencess. 265 - 266CZYSTY TEKST
Róża Smolak, 10 Years of Central and Eastern European Communication and Media (CEECom) Conferences, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 265 - 266
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Róża Smolak", title = "10 Years of Central and Eastern European Communication and Media (CEECom) Conferences", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "265 - 266" }
Call for Panels and Paperss. 266CZYSTY TEKST
Call for Panels and Papers, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19), s. 266
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Call for Panels and Papers", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2017 / Tom 10 / Numer 2 (19)", pages = "266" }