Treaty-making capacity of components of federal states from the perspective of the works of the UN International Law Commissions. 9 - 43CZYSTY TEKST
Karol Karski, Tomasz Kamiński, Treaty-making capacity of components of federal states from the perspective of the works of the UN International Law Commission, The Polish Review of International and European Law, 2016 / Tom 5 / Numer 2, s. 9 - 43
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Karol Karski, Tomasz Kamiński", title = "Treaty-making capacity of components of federal states from the perspective of the works of the UN International Law Commission", journal = "The Polish Review of International and European Law", issue = "2016 / Tom 5 / Numer 2", pages = "9 - 43" }
'Let us be judged by our actions' : oversight mechanisms of policing in comparative outlines. 45 - 72CZYSTY TEKST
Aleksandra Wentkowska, 'Let us be judged by our actions' : oversight mechanisms of policing in comparative outline, The Polish Review of International and European Law, 2016 / Tom 5 / Numer 2, s. 45 - 72
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aleksandra Wentkowska", title = "'Let us be judged by our actions' : oversight mechanisms of policing in comparative outline", journal = "The Polish Review of International and European Law", issue = "2016 / Tom 5 / Numer 2", pages = "45 - 72" }
On the way to an anthroparchic community of law : the European Union as the subject of global laws. 73 - 98CZYSTY TEKST
Radosław Kołatek, On the way to an anthroparchic community of law : the European Union as the subject of global law, The Polish Review of International and European Law, 2016 / Tom 5 / Numer 2, s. 73 - 98
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Radosław Kołatek", title = "On the way to an anthroparchic community of law : the European Union as the subject of global law", journal = "The Polish Review of International and European Law", issue = "2016 / Tom 5 / Numer 2", pages = "73 - 98" }
'Decisions' and 'administrative acts' according to the ReNEUAL Model rules on the EU administrative procedure and Proposal for Regulation for an open, efficient and independent EU administrations. 99 - 121CZYSTY TEKST
Marek Jaśkowski, 'Decisions' and 'administrative acts' according to the ReNEUAL Model rules on the EU administrative procedure and Proposal for Regulation for an open, efficient and independent EU administration, The Polish Review of International and European Law, 2016 / Tom 5 / Numer 2, s. 99 - 121
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marek Jaśkowski", title = "'Decisions' and 'administrative acts' according to the ReNEUAL Model rules on the EU administrative procedure and Proposal for Regulation for an open, efficient and independent EU administration", journal = "The Polish Review of International and European Law", issue = "2016 / Tom 5 / Numer 2", pages = "99 - 121" }
On the consistency of the provision of art. 13, sec. 2, point 3 of the act of 14.4.2000 on international agreements with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland : deliberations in light of arguments presented in the judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal in case no. K 33/12s. 123 - 139CZYSTY TEKST
Jakub Bennewicz, On the consistency of the provision of art. 13, sec. 2, point 3 of the act of 14.4.2000 on international agreements with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland : deliberations in light of arguments presented in the judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal in case no. K 33/12, The Polish Review of International and European Law, 2016 / Tom 5 / Numer 2, s. 123 - 139
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jakub Bennewicz", title = "On the consistency of the provision of art. 13, sec. 2, point 3 of the act of 14.4.2000 on international agreements with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland : deliberations in light of arguments presented in the judgement of the Constitutional Tribunal in case no. K 33/12", journal = "The Polish Review of International and European Law", issue = "2016 / Tom 5 / Numer 2", pages = "123 - 139" }