The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational climate: a case study of government departments in Divandarreh Opublikowano w: World Scientific News 2016 / Tom 45 / Numer 2 / s. 373 - 3832016CZYSTY TEKST
Jalil Hashemi, Delkash Sadeqi, The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational climate: a case study of government departments in Divandarreh, World Scientific News, 2016 / Tom 45 / Numer 2, s. 373 - 383
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jalil Hashemi, Delkash Sadeqi", title = "The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational climate: a case study of government departments in Divandarreh", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2016 / Tom 45 / Numer 2", pages = "373 - 383" }