Emerson Franchini
4 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Anthropometric Profile, Wingate Performance and Special Judo Fitness Levels of Turkish Olympic Judo Athletes Opublikowano w: Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports 2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 3 / s. 15 - 202018CZYSTY TEKST
Mustafa Sakir Akgul, Bilgehan Baydil, Bayram Ceylan, Emerson Franchini, Veli Volkan Gurses, Anthropometric Profile, Wingate Performance and Special Judo Fitness Levels of Turkish Olympic Judo Athletes, Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports, 2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 3, s. 15 - 20
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mustafa Sakir Akgul, Bilgehan Baydil, Bayram Ceylan, Emerson Franchini, Veli Volkan Gurses", title = "Anthropometric Profile, Wingate Performance and Special Judo Fitness Levels of Turkish Olympic Judo Athletes", journal = "Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports", issue = "2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 3", pages = "15 - 20" }
Is the Special Judo Fitness Test Index discriminative during formative stages? : Age and competitive level differences in U13 and U15 children Opublikowano w: Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports 2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 3 / s. 37 - 412018CZYSTY TEKST
Javier Courel-Ibnez, Raquel Escobar-Molina, Emerson Franchini, Is the Special Judo Fitness Test Index discriminative during formative stages? : Age and competitive level differences in U13 and U15 children, Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports, 2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 3, s. 37 - 41
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Javier Courel-Ibnez, Raquel Escobar-Molina, Emerson Franchini", title = "Is the Special Judo Fitness Test Index discriminative during formative stages? : Age and competitive level differences in U13 and U15 children", journal = "Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports", issue = "2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 3", pages = "37 - 41" }
Relationship between frequency speed of kick test performance, optimal load, and anthropometric variables in black-belt taekwondo athletes Opublikowano w: Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports 2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 1 / s. 39 - 442018CZYSTY TEKST
Jonatas Ferreira da Silva Santos, Emerson Franchini, Irineu Loturco, Relationship between frequency speed of kick test performance, optimal load, and anthropometric variables in black-belt taekwondo athletes, Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports, 2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 1, s. 39 - 44
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jonatas Ferreira da Silva Santos, Emerson Franchini, Irineu Loturco", title = "Relationship between frequency speed of kick test performance, optimal load, and anthropometric variables in black-belt taekwondo athletes", journal = "Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports", issue = "2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 1", pages = "39 - 44" }
Judo world ranking lists and performance during cadet, junior and senior World Championships Opublikowano w: Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports 2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 2 / s. 48 - 532018CZYSTY TEKST
Emerson Franchini, Clare Humberstone, Vitor Moura Campos, Maria Emilia Soares Possa, Paula Velloso Breviglieri, Judo world ranking lists and performance during cadet, junior and senior World Championships, Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports, 2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 2, s. 48 - 53
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Emerson Franchini, Clare Humberstone, Vitor Moura Campos, Maria Emilia Soares Possa, Paula Velloso Breviglieri", title = "Judo world ranking lists and performance during cadet, junior and senior World Championships", journal = "Ido Movement for Culture : journal of martial arts anthropology : theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology of martial arts, combat sports", issue = "2018 / Tom 18 / Numer 2", pages = "48 - 53" }