Press coverage of the German reunification issue in a long-term perspective, 1990-2014s. 2 - 24CZYSTY TEKST
Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann, Jürgen Maier, Michaela Maier, Press coverage of the German reunification issue in a long-term perspective, 1990-2014, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 2 - 24
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Melanie Leidecker-Sandmann, Jürgen Maier, Michaela Maier", title = "Press coverage of the German reunification issue in a long-term perspective, 1990-2014", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "2 - 24" }
What does the murder of a journalist, and follow-up event, tell us about freedom of the press and politics in European country?s. 25 - 43CZYSTY TEKST
Andrej Školkay, What does the murder of a journalist, and follow-up event, tell us about freedom of the press and politics in European country?, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 25 - 43
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Andrej Školkay", title = "What does the murder of a journalist, and follow-up event, tell us about freedom of the press and politics in European country?", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "25 - 43" }
Empirical research on the functions of audiovisual advertising from the perspective of recipients - students of the Journalism and Social Communication Faculty at the University of Łódźs. 44 - 61CZYSTY TEKST
Agnieszka Barczyk-Sitkowska, Mateusz Krzekotowski, Empirical research on the functions of audiovisual advertising from the perspective of recipients - students of the Journalism and Social Communication Faculty at the University of Łódź , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 44 - 61
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnieszka Barczyk-Sitkowska, Mateusz Krzekotowski", title = "Empirical research on the functions of audiovisual advertising from the perspective of recipients - students of the Journalism and Social Communication Faculty at the University of Łódź ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "44 - 61" }
Corporate social responsibility developments in post-communist countries : Towards organizations' social legitimacys. 62 - 77CZYSTY TEKST
Kaja Tampere, Corporate social responsibility developments in post-communist countries : Towards organizations' social legitimacy , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 62 - 77
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kaja Tampere", title = "Corporate social responsibility developments in post-communist countries : Towards organizations' social legitimacy ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "62 - 77" }
The Chernobyl disaster : A case study on the information policy of the Kádár regimes. 78 - 91CZYSTY TEKST
Dalma Kékesdi-Boldog, The Chernobyl disaster : A case study on the information policy of the Kádár regime , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 78 - 91
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dalma Kékesdi-Boldog", title = "The Chernobyl disaster : A case study on the information policy of the Kádár regime ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "78 - 91" }
Campaigning on Facebook : Posts and online social networking as campaign tools in the 2017 general elections in the Republic of Kosovos. 92 - 109CZYSTY TEKST
Dren Gërguri, Campaigning on Facebook : Posts and online social networking as campaign tools in the 2017 general elections in the Republic of Kosovo , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 92 - 109
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dren Gërguri", title = "Campaigning on Facebook : Posts and online social networking as campaign tools in the 2017 general elections in the Republic of Kosovo ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "92 - 109" }
CEE media and communication research on the global map : Interview with Prof. Epp Lauks. 111 - 115CZYSTY TEKST
Paulina Barczyszyn-Madziarz, Epp Lauk, CEE media and communication research on the global map : Interview with Prof. Epp Lauk, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 111 - 115
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Paulina Barczyszyn-Madziarz, Epp Lauk", title = "CEE media and communication research on the global map : Interview with Prof. Epp Lauk", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "111 - 115" }
"Public Relations and Social Theory : Key Figures, Concepts and Developments", red. Øyvind Ihlen, Magnus Fredriksson, London 2018 : [recenzja]s. 117 - 119CZYSTY TEKST
Magnus Fredriksson, Øyvind Ihlen, Darren Ingram, "Public Relations and Social Theory : Key Figures, Concepts and Developments", red. Øyvind Ihlen, Magnus Fredriksson, London 2018 : [recenzja] , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 117 - 119
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magnus Fredriksson, Øyvind Ihlen, Darren Ingram", title = ""Public Relations and Social Theory : Key Figures, Concepts and Developments", red. Øyvind Ihlen, Magnus Fredriksson, London 2018 : [recenzja] ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "117 - 119" }
Jubilee Conference of the Central European Journal of Communication - 10 Years ons. 122 - 123CZYSTY TEKST
Michał Jacuński, Róża Norström, Julia Trzcińska, Jubilee Conference of the Central European Journal of Communication - 10 Years on , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 122 - 123
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Jacuński, Róża Norström, Julia Trzcińska", title = "Jubilee Conference of the Central European Journal of Communication - 10 Years on ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "122 - 123" }
Professor Iwona Hofman at the Sorbonnes. 123CZYSTY TEKST
Professor Iwona Hofman at the Sorbonne, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 123
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Professor Iwona Hofman at the Sorbonne", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "123" }
"Media Power: People - Organizations - Technologies" : 5th Congress of the Polish Communication Association, Warsaw, 19-21.09.2019s. 124 - 125CZYSTY TEKST
"Media Power: People - Organizations - Technologies" : 5th Congress of the Polish Communication Association, Warsaw, 19-21.09.2019 , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 124 - 125
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = ""Media Power: People - Organizations - Technologies" : 5th Congress of the Polish Communication Association, Warsaw, 19-21.09.2019 ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "124 - 125" }
Hot of the Press : Series: "Studies in Communication and Politics" 8, Peter Lang 2019; "Mediatizing Secular State: Media, religion and Politics in Contemporary Poland" by Damian Guzeks. 126CZYSTY TEKST
Hot of the Press : Series: "Studies in Communication and Politics" 8, Peter Lang 2019; "Mediatizing Secular State: Media, religion and Politics in Contemporary Poland" by Damian Guzek , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 126
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Hot of the Press : Series: "Studies in Communication and Politics" 8, Peter Lang 2019; "Mediatizing Secular State: Media, religion and Politics in Contemporary Poland" by Damian Guzek ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "126" }
Series: "Komunikowanie i Media/Communication and Media" 26, University of Wrocław Press 2019; "Polish, Russian and Swedish Journalists and their Vision of the Profession" by Paulina Barczyszyn-Madziarzs. 126CZYSTY TEKST
Series: "Komunikowanie i Media/Communication and Media" 26, University of Wrocław Press 2019; "Polish, Russian and Swedish Journalists and their Vision of the Profession" by Paulina Barczyszyn-Madziarz , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 126
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Series: "Komunikowanie i Media/Communication and Media" 26, University of Wrocław Press 2019; "Polish, Russian and Swedish Journalists and their Vision of the Profession" by Paulina Barczyszyn-Madziarz ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "126" }
Do we still need publics? : The 7th International Conference "Comparative Media Studies in Today's World" (CMSTW' 2019), St. Petersburg, Russia, 16-19 April 2019s. 127CZYSTY TEKST
Svetlana S. Bodrunova, Do we still need publics? : The 7th International Conference "Comparative Media Studies in Today's World" (CMSTW' 2019), St. Petersburg, Russia, 16-19 April 2019 , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22), s. 127
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Svetlana S. Bodrunova", title = "Do we still need publics? : The 7th International Conference "Comparative Media Studies in Today's World" (CMSTW' 2019), St. Petersburg, Russia, 16-19 April 2019 ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2019 / Tom 12 / Numer 1 (22)", pages = "127" }