Tomasz Sapota, Introduction, Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 7
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Sapota", title = "Introduction", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "7" }
Kamila Kowalczyk, Poetic inspiration in Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 9 - 14
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kamila Kowalczyk", title = "Poetic inspiration in Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey"", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "9 - 14" }
Zbigniew Szczurowski, A pragmatic analysis of Achilles' first speech in Homer's "Iliad", Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 15 - 33
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Szczurowski", title = "A pragmatic analysis of Achilles' first speech in Homer's "Iliad"", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "15 - 33" }
Jan Kucharski, The rhetoric of Simon's adversary (Lysias 3), Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 35 - 50
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jan Kucharski", title = "The rhetoric of Simon's adversary (Lysias 3)", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "35 - 50" }
Διάθεσις in the "Τέχνη γραμματική" attributed to Dionysios Thrax and in the "Περì συντάξεως" by Apollonios Dyskolos : a comparative analysiss. 51 - 68CZYSTY TEKST
Hubert Wolanin, Διάθεσις in the "Τέχνη γραμματική" attributed to Dionysios Thrax and in the "Περì συντάξεως" by Apollonios Dyskolos : a comparative analysis, Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 51 - 68
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Hubert Wolanin", title = "Διάθεσις in the "Τέχνη γραμματική" attributed to Dionysios Thrax and in the "Περì συντάξεως" by Apollonios Dyskolos : a comparative analysis", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "51 - 68" }
Pojedynek Eneasza z Turnusem ("Eneida" XII 887-952) : analiza wybranych elementów stylistycznychs. 69 - 85CZYSTY TEKST
Józef Korpanty, Pojedynek Eneasza z Turnusem ("Eneida" XII 887-952) : analiza wybranych elementów stylistycznych, Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 69 - 85
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Józef Korpanty", title = "Pojedynek Eneasza z Turnusem ("Eneida" XII 887-952) : analiza wybranych elementów stylistycznych", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "69 - 85" }
Tadeusz Aleksandrowicz, M. Terentius Varron dans la culture romaine et européenne, Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 87 - 97
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tadeusz Aleksandrowicz", title = "M. Terentius Varron dans la culture romaine et européenne", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "87 - 97" }
Politics and the stars : elements of Augustan ideology in Germanicus' "Aratea"s. 99 - 110CZYSTY TEKST
Elżbieta Włodarczyk, Politics and the stars : elements of Augustan ideology in Germanicus' "Aratea", Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 99 - 110
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Elżbieta Włodarczyk", title = "Politics and the stars : elements of Augustan ideology in Germanicus' "Aratea"", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "99 - 110" }
De providentia in orbe terrarum malis adflicto a Seneca Philosopho depinctas. 111 - 123CZYSTY TEKST
Michał Czerenkiewicz, De providentia in orbe terrarum malis adflicto a Seneca Philosopho depincta, Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 111 - 123
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Czerenkiewicz", title = "De providentia in orbe terrarum malis adflicto a Seneca Philosopho depincta", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "111 - 123" }
Maciej Helbig, "De mortibus boum" : sielanki ostatnie starcie, Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 125 - 135
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maciej Helbig", title = ""De mortibus boum" : sielanki ostatnie starcie", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "125 - 135" }
Katarzyna Warcaba, The language and style of Cassia's secular poetry, Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 137 - 149
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Katarzyna Warcaba", title = "The language and style of Cassia's secular poetry", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "137 - 149" }
East - West : the theory of "Guna" in A. W. Schlegel's translation of the "Bhagawadgita" : notes of translations. 151 - 157CZYSTY TEKST
Marta Wowra, East - West : the theory of "Guna" in A. W. Schlegel's translation of the "Bhagawadgita" : notes of translation, Scripta Classica, 2009 / Tom 6, s. 151 - 157
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marta Wowra", title = "East - West : the theory of "Guna" in A. W. Schlegel's translation of the "Bhagawadgita" : notes of translation", journal = "Scripta Classica", issue = "2009 / Tom 6", pages = "151 - 157" }