Aquinas and the Natural Habit of Synderesis: A Response to Celano, Diametros, 2016 / Numer 47, s. 35 - 49
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Aquinas and the Natural Habit of Synderesis: A Response to Celano", journal = "Diametros", issue = "2016 / Numer 47", pages = "35 - 49" }
Thomas Aquinas – Human Dignity and Conscience as a Basis for Restricting Legal Obligationss. 64 - 83CZYSTY TEKST
Thomas Aquinas – Human Dignity and Conscience as a Basis for Restricting Legal Obligations, Diametros, 2016 / Numer 47, s. 64 - 83
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Thomas Aquinas – Human Dignity and Conscience as a Basis for Restricting Legal Obligations", journal = "Diametros", issue = "2016 / Numer 47", pages = "64 - 83" }
Problem wewnętrznej spójności medycznej klauzuli sumienia w kontekście sporu o aborcjęs. 84 - 97CZYSTY TEKST
Problem wewnętrznej spójności medycznej klauzuli sumienia w kontekście sporu o aborcję, Diametros, 2016 / Numer 47, s. 84 - 97
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Problem wewnętrznej spójności medycznej klauzuli sumienia w kontekście sporu o aborcję", journal = "Diametros", issue = "2016 / Numer 47", pages = "84 - 97" }
Narrative, Casuistry, and the Function of Conscience in Thomas Aquinas, Diametros, 2016 / Numer 47, s. 1 - 18
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Narrative, Casuistry, and the Function of Conscience in Thomas Aquinas", journal = "Diametros", issue = "2016 / Numer 47", pages = "1 - 18" }
A Thomistic Argument for Respecting Conscientious Refusals, Diametros, 2016 / Numer 47, s. 19 - 34
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "A Thomistic Argument for Respecting Conscientious Refusals", journal = "Diametros", issue = "2016 / Numer 47", pages = "19 - 34" }
Complicating Conscience, Refreshing Discontent, Diametros, 2016 / Numer 47, s. 50 - 63
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Complicating Conscience, Refreshing Discontent", journal = "Diametros", issue = "2016 / Numer 47", pages = "50 - 63" }
Uzasadnienie sprzeciwu sumienia: lekarze, poborowi i żołnierze, Diametros, 2016 / Numer 47, s. 98 - 128
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Uzasadnienie sprzeciwu sumienia: lekarze, poborowi i żołnierze", journal = "Diametros", issue = "2016 / Numer 47", pages = "98 - 128" }