Research into the Dilemmas Concerning the Employment of Immigrants in their Professions Abroad and the Depreciation or Restoration of their Human Capitals. 8 - 15CZYSTY TEKST
Oksana Koshulko, Svetlana Kostjukova, Research into the Dilemmas Concerning the Employment of Immigrants in their Professions Abroad and the Depreciation or Restoration of their Human Capital , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 8 - 15
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Oksana Koshulko, Svetlana Kostjukova", title = "Research into the Dilemmas Concerning the Employment of Immigrants in their Professions Abroad and the Depreciation or Restoration of their Human Capital ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "8 - 15" }
The Role of Photodynamic Therapy as a Novel Strategy in Clinical Practices. 16 - 21CZYSTY TEKST
Salwador Cyranowski, Stanisław Kwiatkowski, Beata Joanna Osiecka, The Role of Photodynamic Therapy as a Novel Strategy in Clinical Practice , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 16 - 21
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Salwador Cyranowski, Stanisław Kwiatkowski, Beata Joanna Osiecka", title = "The Role of Photodynamic Therapy as a Novel Strategy in Clinical Practice ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "16 - 21" }
Mastitis Pathogens in Dairy Cattle - A Reviews. 22 - 31CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Gołębiewski, Aleksandra Kalińska, Agata Wójcik, Mastitis Pathogens in Dairy Cattle - A Review , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 22 - 31
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Gołębiewski, Aleksandra Kalińska, Agata Wójcik", title = "Mastitis Pathogens in Dairy Cattle - A Review ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "22 - 31" }
The Organizational Culture as a Source of Dysfunction in an Organizations. 32 - 38CZYSTY TEKST
Olga Domagała, The Organizational Culture as a Source of Dysfunction in an Organization , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 32 - 38
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Olga Domagała", title = "The Organizational Culture as a Source of Dysfunction in an Organization ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "32 - 38" }
Analytical Models for Quark Stars with Electric Fields. 39 - 47CZYSTY TEKST
Manuel Malaver, Analytical Models for Quark Stars with Electric Field, World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 39 - 47
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Manuel Malaver", title = "Analytical Models for Quark Stars with Electric Field", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "39 - 47" }
Isolation and Characterization of Some Determinant Yeast Strains for Production of Bioethanol from Arabica Coffee («Coffea arabica» L.) Wet Processing Wastess. 48 - 63CZYSTY TEKST
Buzayehu Desisa, Diriba Muleta, Isolation and Characterization of Some Determinant Yeast Strains for Production of Bioethanol from Arabica Coffee («Coffea arabica» L.) Wet Processing Wastes , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 48 - 63
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Buzayehu Desisa, Diriba Muleta", title = "Isolation and Characterization of Some Determinant Yeast Strains for Production of Bioethanol from Arabica Coffee («Coffea arabica» L.) Wet Processing Wastes ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "48 - 63" }
L-State Analytical Solution of the Klein-Gordon Equation with Position Dependent Mass Using Modified Deng-Fan Plus Exponential Molecular Potentials via Nikiforov-Uvarov Methods. 64 - 70CZYSTY TEKST
P. I. Amos, H. Disho, B. I. Ita, I. Joseph, H. Louis, T. O. Magu, N. A. Nzeata-Ibe, L-State Analytical Solution of the Klein-Gordon Equation with Position Dependent Mass Using Modified Deng-Fan Plus Exponential Molecular Potentials via Nikiforov-Uvarov Method , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 64 - 70
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " P. I. Amos, H. Disho, B. I. Ita, I. Joseph, H. Louis, T. O. Magu, N. A. Nzeata-Ibe", title = "L-State Analytical Solution of the Klein-Gordon Equation with Position Dependent Mass Using Modified Deng-Fan Plus Exponential Molecular Potentials via Nikiforov-Uvarov Method ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "64 - 70" }
Application of Hamilton's Graph Theory in New Technologiess. 71 - 81CZYSTY TEKST
Łucja Waligóra, Application of Hamilton's Graph Theory in New Technologies , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 71 - 81
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Łucja Waligóra", title = "Application of Hamilton's Graph Theory in New Technologies ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "71 - 81" }
Termination of Employment - «de lege lata» and «de lege ferenda» Postulatess. 82 - 89CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Niziołek, Termination of Employment - «de lege lata» and «de lege ferenda» Postulates , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 82 - 89
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Niziołek", title = "Termination of Employment - «de lege lata» and «de lege ferenda» Postulates ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "82 - 89" }
Biologically Active Compounds in «Agrimoni eupatoria» L. and their Therapeutic Effectss. 90 - 97CZYSTY TEKST
Mirosława Chwil, Mikołaj Kostryco, Biologically Active Compounds in «Agrimoni eupatoria» L. and their Therapeutic Effects , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 90 - 97
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mirosława Chwil, Mikołaj Kostryco", title = "Biologically Active Compounds in «Agrimoni eupatoria» L. and their Therapeutic Effects ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "90 - 97" }
Analysis of the Anarchist and Anti-Colonial Wave Basing on the Concept of the Four Waves of Terrorism by David Rapoport and Selected Political Eventss. 98 - 103CZYSTY TEKST
Artur Jach-Chrząszcz, Analysis of the Anarchist and Anti-Colonial Wave Basing on the Concept of the Four Waves of Terrorism by David Rapoport and Selected Political Events , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 98 - 103
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Artur Jach-Chrząszcz", title = "Analysis of the Anarchist and Anti-Colonial Wave Basing on the Concept of the Four Waves of Terrorism by David Rapoport and Selected Political Events ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "98 - 103" }
Notifying Family Court about the Matters of Threatened Underage Patient's Life : Ethical and Social Contexts. 104 - 110CZYSTY TEKST
Błażej Kmieciak, Notifying Family Court about the Matters of Threatened Underage Patient's Life : Ethical and Social Context , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 104 - 110
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Błażej Kmieciak", title = "Notifying Family Court about the Matters of Threatened Underage Patient's Life : Ethical and Social Context ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "104 - 110" }
Housing Development : Council Housing as an Opportunity or Threat for Inhabitantss. 111 - 119CZYSTY TEKST
Hanna Borucińska-Bieńkowska, Housing Development : Council Housing as an Opportunity or Threat for Inhabitants , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 111 - 119
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Hanna Borucińska-Bieńkowska", title = "Housing Development : Council Housing as an Opportunity or Threat for Inhabitants ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "111 - 119" }
Contemporary Storytelling : Can Writing about Negative Experiences Regarding Chronic Disease by a way of Therapy?s. 120 - 125CZYSTY TEKST
Monika Błajet-Grabowska, Małgorzata Osowiecka, Contemporary Storytelling : Can Writing about Negative Experiences Regarding Chronic Disease by a way of Therapy?, World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 120 - 125
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Monika Błajet-Grabowska, Małgorzata Osowiecka", title = "Contemporary Storytelling : Can Writing about Negative Experiences Regarding Chronic Disease by a way of Therapy?", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "120 - 125" }
The Legal and sociological Aspects of Posting of Workers in the Framework of the Provision of Services in the European Union in the Light of Current Regulations and Proposed Amendments. 126 - 141CZYSTY TEKST
Tomasz Juraszek, The Legal and sociological Aspects of Posting of Workers in the Framework of the Provision of Services in the European Union in the Light of Current Regulations and Proposed Amendment , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 126 - 141
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Juraszek", title = "The Legal and sociological Aspects of Posting of Workers in the Framework of the Provision of Services in the European Union in the Light of Current Regulations and Proposed Amendment ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "126 - 141" }
Factors Determining the Position in the Ranking of Innovative Countriess. 142 - 149CZYSTY TEKST
Ireneusz Miciuła, Paweł Stępień, Factors Determining the Position in the Ranking of Innovative Countries , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 142 - 149
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ireneusz Miciuła, Paweł Stępień", title = "Factors Determining the Position in the Ranking of Innovative Countries ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "142 - 149" }
Quality Assurance of Customer Service in the Selected Banking Positions. 150 - 156CZYSTY TEKST
Sylwia Król, Katarzyna Sukiennik, Quality Assurance of Customer Service in the Selected Banking Position , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 150 - 156
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Sylwia Król, Katarzyna Sukiennik", title = "Quality Assurance of Customer Service in the Selected Banking Position ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "150 - 156" }
The Case Study of Erasmus+ Programme : Project's Influence on Participants' Digital Competence : Youth, Multilingualism and Work Perspectives in Europe 2015-2017s. 157 - 174CZYSTY TEKST
Artur Baranowski, The Case Study of Erasmus+ Programme : Project's Influence on Participants' Digital Competence : Youth, Multilingualism and Work Perspectives in Europe 2015-2017, World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 157 - 174
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Artur Baranowski", title = "The Case Study of Erasmus+ Programme : Project's Influence on Participants' Digital Competence : Youth, Multilingualism and Work Perspectives in Europe 2015-2017", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "157 - 174" }
Implementing the Innovation by Academies in Poland : Conditions and Perspectivess. 175 - 183CZYSTY TEKST
Sylwia Kruk, Implementing the Innovation by Academies in Poland : Conditions and Perspectives , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 175 - 183
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Sylwia Kruk", title = "Implementing the Innovation by Academies in Poland : Conditions and Perspectives ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "175 - 183" }
Prison Islands : Their History and Present Situations. 184 - 198CZYSTY TEKST
Andrzej Borowski, Prison Islands : Their History and Present Situation , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 184 - 198
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Andrzej Borowski", title = "Prison Islands : Their History and Present Situation ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "184 - 198" }
Bioengineering in Cosmology - the Overview of Present State and Future Prospectss. 199 - 207CZYSTY TEKST
Monika Betyna, Bioengineering in Cosmology - the Overview of Present State and Future Prospects , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 199 - 207
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Monika Betyna", title = "Bioengineering in Cosmology - the Overview of Present State and Future Prospects ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "199 - 207" }
Are Sins of Past Generations Inherited? : Theoretical Reflections on Concepts of «Collective Guilt» and «Collective Responsibility» along with the Analysis of their Influence on Today's Germany Decision-Makings. 208 - 224CZYSTY TEKST
Joanna Barbara Polak, Are Sins of Past Generations Inherited? : Theoretical Reflections on Concepts of «Collective Guilt» and «Collective Responsibility» along with the Analysis of their Influence on Today's Germany Decision-Making , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 208 - 224
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Barbara Polak", title = "Are Sins of Past Generations Inherited? : Theoretical Reflections on Concepts of «Collective Guilt» and «Collective Responsibility» along with the Analysis of their Influence on Today's Germany Decision-Making ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "208 - 224" }
Research Potential in Virtual Worlds : An Example of Second Lifes. 225 - 230CZYSTY TEKST
Magdalena Hofman-Kohlmeyer, Research Potential in Virtual Worlds : An Example of Second Life , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 225 - 230
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magdalena Hofman-Kohlmeyer", title = "Research Potential in Virtual Worlds : An Example of Second Life ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "225 - 230" }
'Historical Memory' : Challenges and Contemporary Studies over Holocaust in Polands. 231 - 236CZYSTY TEKST
Ewa Trojanowska, 'Historical Memory' : Challenges and Contemporary Studies over Holocaust in Poland , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 231 - 236
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewa Trojanowska", title = "'Historical Memory' : Challenges and Contemporary Studies over Holocaust in Poland ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "231 - 236" }
Advantages of Using Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) in the Management Processs. 237 - 243CZYSTY TEKST
Agnieszka Ociepa-Kubicka, Advantages of Using Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) in the Management Process, World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 237 - 243
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnieszka Ociepa-Kubicka", title = "Advantages of Using Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) in the Management Process", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "237 - 243" }
Brand Value in the Process of Internationalisations. 244 - 251CZYSTY TEKST
Aleksandra Czarnecka, Maria Halemba-Pawlik, Brand Value in the Process of Internationalisation , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 244 - 251
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aleksandra Czarnecka, Maria Halemba-Pawlik", title = "Brand Value in the Process of Internationalisation ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "244 - 251" }
General Principles of Financial Risk Management in Business Organizationss. 252 - 259CZYSTY TEKST
Ireneusz Miciuła, Paweł Stępień, General Principles of Financial Risk Management in Business Organizations , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 252 - 259
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ireneusz Miciuła, Paweł Stępień", title = "General Principles of Financial Risk Management in Business Organizations ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "252 - 259" }
Unemployment among People Aged 55-64 in Selected Central and Eastern European Countriess. 260 - 274CZYSTY TEKST
Grzegorz Lesiak, Unemployment among People Aged 55-64 in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 260 - 274
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grzegorz Lesiak", title = "Unemployment among People Aged 55-64 in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "260 - 274" }
About Polish Youth in Multidimensional Approachs. 275 - 282CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Martynoga, Marzena Sieleznak, About Polish Youth in Multidimensional Approach , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 275 - 282
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Martynoga, Marzena Sieleznak", title = "About Polish Youth in Multidimensional Approach ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "275 - 282" }
Conscious and Latent Consumers' Attitudess. 283 - 293CZYSTY TEKST
Marta Grybś-Kabocik, Conscious and Latent Consumers' Attitudes , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 283 - 293
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marta Grybś-Kabocik", title = "Conscious and Latent Consumers' Attitudes ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "283 - 293" }
Selected Aspects of Biotechnology in Horticulture - Protection of Genetically Modified Plantss. 294 - 298CZYSTY TEKST
Luiza Dawidowicz, Selected Aspects of Biotechnology in Horticulture - Protection of Genetically Modified Plants , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 294 - 298
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Luiza Dawidowicz", title = "Selected Aspects of Biotechnology in Horticulture - Protection of Genetically Modified Plants ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "294 - 298" }
Importance of Sport Events in the Promotion of Local Self-Government, on the Example of the City of Czestochowas. 299 - 305CZYSTY TEKST
Judyta Kabus, Importance of Sport Events in the Promotion of Local Self-Government, on the Example of the City of Czestochowa , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 299 - 305
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Judyta Kabus", title = "Importance of Sport Events in the Promotion of Local Self-Government, on the Example of the City of Czestochowa ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "299 - 305" }
Promotion as a Motivational Tool Based on the Example of Antonin Forest Inspectorates. 306 - 316CZYSTY TEKST
Maciej Duda, Gabriela Roszyk-Kowalska, Promotion as a Motivational Tool Based on the Example of Antonin Forest Inspectorate , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 306 - 316
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maciej Duda, Gabriela Roszyk-Kowalska", title = "Promotion as a Motivational Tool Based on the Example of Antonin Forest Inspectorate ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "306 - 316" }
Analysis of the Microbial Population that Most Often Causes «mastitis» in Dairy Cowss. 317 - 321CZYSTY TEKST
Daniel Radzikowski, Analysis of the Microbial Population that Most Often Causes «mastitis» in Dairy Cows , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 317 - 321
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Daniel Radzikowski", title = "Analysis of the Microbial Population that Most Often Causes «mastitis» in Dairy Cows ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "317 - 321" }
Privacy Protection in a Digital Economys. 322 - 328CZYSTY TEKST
Łukasz Wróblewski, Privacy Protection in a Digital Economy, World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 322 - 328
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Łukasz Wróblewski", title = "Privacy Protection in a Digital Economy", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "322 - 328" }
Selected Methods of Recruiting Islamic Terroristss. 329 - 335CZYSTY TEKST
Wojciech J. Janik, Selected Methods of Recruiting Islamic Terrorists , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 329 - 335
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wojciech J. Janik", title = "Selected Methods of Recruiting Islamic Terrorists ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "329 - 335" }
Self-Proclaimed Islamic State : The Determinant of Violence in the 21st Centurys. 335 - 363CZYSTY TEKST
Wojciech J. Janik, Self-Proclaimed Islamic State : The Determinant of Violence in the 21st Century , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 335 - 363
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wojciech J. Janik", title = "Self-Proclaimed Islamic State : The Determinant of Violence in the 21st Century ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "335 - 363" }
Measurement Innovations in Railway Infrastructure Safetys. 336 - 347CZYSTY TEKST
Arkadiusz Kampczyk, Measurement Innovations in Railway Infrastructure Safety , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 336 - 347
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Arkadiusz Kampczyk", title = "Measurement Innovations in Railway Infrastructure Safety ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "336 - 347" }
Globalization and Management in XXI Century - European Union Problems with Illegal Immigrantss. 348 - 354CZYSTY TEKST
Piotr Maśloch, Globalization and Management in XXI Century - European Union Problems with Illegal Immigrants , World Scientific News, 2017 / Tom 89, s. 348 - 354
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Maśloch", title = "Globalization and Management in XXI Century - European Union Problems with Illegal Immigrants ", journal = "World Scientific News", issue = "2017 / Tom 89", pages = "348 - 354" }