Towards the unification of inconsistency handling mechanismss. 5 - 31CZYSTY TEKST
Diderik Batens, Towards the unification of inconsistency handling mechanisms, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2000 / Tom 8, s. 5 - 31
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Diderik Batens", title = "Towards the unification of inconsistency handling mechanisms", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "2000 / Tom 8", pages = "5 - 31" }
On the acceptance of problem solutions derived from inconsistent constraintss. 33 - 46CZYSTY TEKST
Joke Meheus, On the acceptance of problem solutions derived from inconsistent constraints, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2000 / Tom 8, s. 33 - 46
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joke Meheus", title = "On the acceptance of problem solutions derived from inconsistent constraints", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "2000 / Tom 8", pages = "33 - 46" }
Preferences as inconsistency-resolvers: The Inconsistency-adaptive Logic PRLs. 47 - 63CZYSTY TEKST
Guido Vanackere, Preferences as inconsistency-resolvers: The Inconsistency-adaptive Logic PRL, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2000 / Tom 8, s. 47 - 63
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Guido Vanackere", title = "Preferences as inconsistency-resolvers: The Inconsistency-adaptive Logic PRL", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "2000 / Tom 8", pages = "47 - 63" }
Two new strategies for inconsistency-adaptive logicss. 65 - 80CZYSTY TEKST
Kristof De Clercq, Two new strategies for inconsistency-adaptive logics, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2000 / Tom 8, s. 65 - 80
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kristof De Clercq", title = "Two new strategies for inconsistency-adaptive logics", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "2000 / Tom 8", pages = "65 - 80" }
Inferential paraconsistencys. 83 - 89CZYSTY TEKST
Grzegorz Malinowski, Inferential paraconsistency, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2000 / Tom 8, s. 83 - 89
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grzegorz Malinowski", title = "Inferential paraconsistency", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "2000 / Tom 8", pages = "83 - 89" }
Quasi-matrix logic as a paraconsistent logic for dubitable informations. 91 - 97CZYSTY TEKST
Yu V. Ivlev, Quasi-matrix logic as a paraconsistent logic for dubitable information, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2000 / Tom 8, s. 91 - 97
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Yu V. Ivlev", title = "Quasi-matrix logic as a paraconsistent logic for dubitable information", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "2000 / Tom 8", pages = "91 - 97" }
Minimal structures for modal tableaux: Some exampless. 99 - 114CZYSTY TEKST
Luis Fariñas del Cerro, Olivier Gasquet, Minimal structures for modal tableaux: Some examples, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2000 / Tom 8, s. 99 - 114
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Luis Fariñas del Cerro, Olivier Gasquet", title = "Minimal structures for modal tableaux: Some examples", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "2000 / Tom 8", pages = "99 - 114" }
Formal inconsistency and evolutionary databasess. 115 - 152CZYSTY TEKST
Walter Carnielli, Sandra de Amo, Marcos Marcos, Formal inconsistency and evolutionary databases, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2000 / Tom 8, s. 115 - 152
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Walter Carnielli, Sandra de Amo, Marcos Marcos", title = "Formal inconsistency and evolutionary databases", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "2000 / Tom 8", pages = "115 - 152" }
On the practical value of Herbrand disjunctionss. 153 - 180CZYSTY TEKST
Uwe Petermann, On the practical value of Herbrand disjunctions, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2000 / Tom 8, s. 153 - 180
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Uwe Petermann", title = "On the practical value of Herbrand disjunctions", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "2000 / Tom 8", pages = "153 - 180" }
On the relation between vector annotated logic programs and defeasible theoriess. 181 - 205CZYSTY TEKST
Kazumi Nakamatsu, On the relation between vector annotated logic programs and defeasible theories, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 2000 / Tom 8, s. 181 - 205
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kazumi Nakamatsu", title = "On the relation between vector annotated logic programs and defeasible theories", journal = "Logic and Logical Philosophy", issue = "2000 / Tom 8", pages = "181 - 205" }