Editor’s introduction : Public relations in a democratic societys. 7 - 10CZYSTY TEKST
Jerzy Olędzki, Editor’s introduction : Public relations in a democratic society , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6), s. 7 - 10
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jerzy Olędzki", title = "Editor’s introduction : Public relations in a democratic society ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6)", pages = "7 - 10" }
Reconsidering contemporary public relations : Theoretical engagement of practitioners in a communication societys. 33 - 47CZYSTY TEKST
Benno Signitzer, Astrid Spatzier, Reconsidering contemporary public relations : Theoretical engagement of practitioners in a communication society , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6), s. 33 - 47
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Benno Signitzer, Astrid Spatzier", title = "Reconsidering contemporary public relations : Theoretical engagement of practitioners in a communication society ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6)", pages = "33 - 47" }
A walk in the public relations field : Theoretical discussions from a social media and network society perspectives. 49 - 61CZYSTY TEKST
Kaja Tampere, A walk in the public relations field : Theoretical discussions from a social media and network society perspective , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6), s. 49 - 61
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kaja Tampere", title = "A walk in the public relations field : Theoretical discussions from a social media and network society perspective ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6)", pages = "49 - 61" }
Public relations in society : A new approach to the difficult relationships between PR and its environments. 63 - 76CZYSTY TEKST
Olaf Hoffjann, Public relations in society : A new approach to the difficult relationships between PR and its environment, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6), s. 63 - 76
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Olaf Hoffjann", title = "Public relations in society : A new approach to the difficult relationships between PR and its environment", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6)", pages = "63 - 76" }
Contextualizing and redefining authenticity in organizational communications. 77 - 90CZYSTY TEKST
Jurgen Schulz, Natascha Zowislo-Grunewald, Contextualizing and redefining authenticity in organizational communication , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6), s. 77 - 90
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jurgen Schulz, Natascha Zowislo-Grunewald", title = "Contextualizing and redefining authenticity in organizational communication ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6)", pages = "77 - 90" }
Public relations and trust in contemporary global society : A Luhmannian perspective of the role of public relations in enhancing trust among social systemss. 91 - 107CZYSTY TEKST
Dean Kruckerberg, Chiara Valentini, Public relations and trust in contemporary global society : A Luhmannian perspective of the role of public relations in enhancing trust among social systems, Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6), s. 91 - 107
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dean Kruckerberg, Chiara Valentini", title = "Public relations and trust in contemporary global society : A Luhmannian perspective of the role of public relations in enhancing trust among social systems", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6)", pages = "91 - 107" }
The role and functions of government public relations : Lessons from public perceptions of governments. 109 - 123CZYSTY TEKST
Maria Jose Canel Crespo, Nazareth Echart, The role and functions of government public relations : Lessons from public perceptions of government , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6), s. 109 - 123
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maria Jose Canel Crespo, Nazareth Echart", title = "The role and functions of government public relations : Lessons from public perceptions of government ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6)", pages = "109 - 123" }
PR, politics and democracys. 125 - 139CZYSTY TEKST
Sigurd Allern, PR, politics and democracy , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6), s. 125 - 139
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Sigurd Allern", title = "PR, politics and democracy ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6)", pages = "125 - 139" }
Public relations without ethics will face the same fate as propagandas. 141 - 155CZYSTY TEKST
Jerzy Olędzki, Public relations without ethics will face the same fate as propaganda , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6), s. 141 - 155
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jerzy Olędzki", title = "Public relations without ethics will face the same fate as propaganda ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6)", pages = "141 - 155" }
The role of PR in healthcare and social insurance reform in Poland and the United Statess. 157 - 175CZYSTY TEKST
Jacek Barlik, Michael Szporer, The role of PR in healthcare and social insurance reform in Poland and the United States , Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association, 2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6), s. 157 - 175
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jacek Barlik, Michael Szporer", title = "The role of PR in healthcare and social insurance reform in Poland and the United States ", journal = "Central European Journal of Communication : an official journal of the Polish Communication Association", issue = "2011 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 (6)", pages = "157 - 175" }