Post-Vatican biblical criticism and the living tradition and the Magisterium of the Churchs. 5 - 15CZYSTY TEKST
Kazimierz Romaniuk, Post-Vatican biblical criticism and the living tradition and the Magisterium of the Church, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 5 - 15
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kazimierz Romaniuk", title = "Post-Vatican biblical criticism and the living tradition and the Magisterium of the Church", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "5 - 15" }
Alfons Nossol, Pour le témoignage chrétien commun, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 17 - 23
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Alfons Nossol", title = "Pour le témoignage chrétien commun", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "17 - 23" }
Metropolitan Stylianos Harkianakis - bishop and theologian in the service of reconciling the Churchess. 25 - 32CZYSTY TEKST
Wacław Hryniewicz, Metropolitan Stylianos Harkianakis - bishop and theologian in the service of reconciling the Churches, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 25 - 32
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wacław Hryniewicz", title = "Metropolitan Stylianos Harkianakis - bishop and theologian in the service of reconciling the Churches", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "25 - 32" }
Czesław Bartnik, Théologie "poiétique", Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 33 - 44
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Czesław Bartnik", title = "Théologie "poiétique"", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "33 - 44" }
Norbert Mendecki, Jer 31,7-9 : Berührungen mit der Botschaft Deuterojesajas?, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 45 - 55
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Norbert Mendecki", title = "Jer 31,7-9 : Berührungen mit der Botschaft Deuterojesajas?", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "45 - 55" }
Jan Łach, Die Pflicht zur Versöhnung und Liebe (Mt 5,43-48), Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 57 - 69
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jan Łach", title = "Die Pflicht zur Versöhnung und Liebe (Mt 5,43-48)", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "57 - 69" }
Krzysztof Góźdź, Gegenwärtigkeit der Eschatologie im Christusereignis, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 71 - 89
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Góźdź", title = "Gegenwärtigkeit der Eschatologie im Christusereignis", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "71 - 89" }
Wacław Świerzawski, Das Sakrament der Busse und Versöhnung : liturgische und pastorale Aspekte, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 91 - 105
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wacław Świerzawski", title = "Das Sakrament der Busse und Versöhnung : liturgische und pastorale Aspekte", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "91 - 105" }
Remigiusz Sobański, Quelques remarques sur "le droit et la miséricorde", Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 107 - 113
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Remigiusz Sobański", title = "Quelques remarques sur "le droit et la miséricorde"", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "107 - 113" }
Stanisław Kowalczyk, Philosophical concepts of values, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 115 - 129
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stanisław Kowalczyk", title = "Philosophical concepts of values", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "115 - 129" }
Ignacy Dec, Person als Subjekt in der Auffassung von Karol Kardinal Wojtyła, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 131 - 144
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ignacy Dec", title = "Person als Subjekt in der Auffassung von Karol Kardinal Wojtyła", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "131 - 144" }
Józef Makselon, Purpose of life and attitude toward death, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 145 - 155
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Józef Makselon", title = "Purpose of life and attitude toward death", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "145 - 155" }
Die Existenzanalyse - Logotherapie V. E. Frankls und ihre pastorale Anwendungs. 157 - 175CZYSTY TEKST
Marian Wolicki, Die Existenzanalyse - Logotherapie V. E. Frankls und ihre pastorale Anwendung, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 157 - 175
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marian Wolicki", title = "Die Existenzanalyse - Logotherapie V. E. Frankls und ihre pastorale Anwendung", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "157 - 175" }
Die Konzeption der Verantwortlichkeit in der Existenzanalyse von Viktor Emil Frankls. 177 - 185CZYSTY TEKST
Marian Wolicki, Die Konzeption der Verantwortlichkeit in der Existenzanalyse von Viktor Emil Frankl, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 177 - 185
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marian Wolicki", title = "Die Konzeption der Verantwortlichkeit in der Existenzanalyse von Viktor Emil Frankl", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "177 - 185" }
Alfons Skowronek, Albert Schweitzer als Theologe, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 187 - 199
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Alfons Skowronek", title = "Albert Schweitzer als Theologe", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "187 - 199" }
Norbert Mendecki, Die jüdische Frage bei Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 201 - 204
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Norbert Mendecki", title = "Die jüdische Frage bei Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "201 - 204" }
Stanisław Józef Koza, Ökumenische Ehrendoktorwürden der Katholischen Universität Lublin, Collectanea Theologica, 1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis, s. 205 - 208
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stanisław Józef Koza", title = "Ökumenische Ehrendoktorwürden der Katholischen Universität Lublin", journal = "Collectanea Theologica", issue = "1987 / Tom 57 / Numer Fasciculus specialis", pages = "205 - 208" }