Colin Henderson Roberts
16 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
"The Oxyrhynchus Papyri", XVIII, E. Lobel, C. H. Roberts, E. P. Wegener, London 1941 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1946 / Tom 1 / s. 112 - 1151946CZYSTY TEKST
Edgar Lobel, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, Eefje Prankje Wegener, "The Oxyrhynchus Papyri", XVIII, E. Lobel, C. H. Roberts, E. P. Wegener, London 1941 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1946 / Tom 1, s. 112 - 115
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Edgar Lobel, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, Eefje Prankje Wegener", title = ""The Oxyrhynchus Papyri", XVIII, E. Lobel, C. H. Roberts, E. P. Wegener, London 1941 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1946 / Tom 1", pages = "112 - 115" }
A papyrus of Isocrates in Erlangen Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1955-1956 / Tom 9-10 / s. 135 - 1361955CZYSTY TEKST
Colin Henderson Roberts, A papyrus of Isocrates in Erlangen , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1955-1956 / Tom 9-10, s. 135 - 136
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Colin Henderson Roberts", title = "A papyrus of Isocrates in Erlangen ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1955-1956 / Tom 9-10", pages = "135 - 136" }
"The Merton Papyri. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the collection of Wilfred Merton F. S. A.", vol. I, H. I. Bell, C. H. Roberts, London 1948 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1949 / Tom 3 / s. 1741949CZYSTY TEKST
Harold Idris Bell, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, "The Merton Papyri. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the collection of Wilfred Merton F. S. A.", vol. I, H. I. Bell, C. H. Roberts, London 1948 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1949 / Tom 3, s. 174
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Harold Idris Bell, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag", title = ""The Merton Papyri. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the collection of Wilfred Merton F. S. A.", vol. I, H. I. Bell, C. H. Roberts, London 1948 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1949 / Tom 3", pages = "174" }
A hellenistic epigram recovered Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1950 / Tom 4 / s. 215 - 2171950CZYSTY TEKST
Colin Henderson Roberts, A hellenistic epigram recovered , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1950 / Tom 4, s. 215 - 217
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Colin Henderson Roberts", title = "A hellenistic epigram recovered ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1950 / Tom 4", pages = "215 - 217" }
"Titus and Alexandria : A new document", C. H. Roberts, "Journal of Roman Studies", 39, 1949 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1951 / Tom 5 / s. 262 - 2631951CZYSTY TEKST
Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, "Titus and Alexandria : A new document", C. H. Roberts, "Journal of Roman Studies", 39, 1949 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1951 / Tom 5, s. 262 - 263
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag", title = ""Titus and Alexandria : A new document", C. H. Roberts, "Journal of Roman Studies", 39, 1949 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1951 / Tom 5", pages = "262 - 263" }
"The Antinoopolis Papyri", Part I, C. H. Roberts, London 1950 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1951 / Tom 5 / s. 265 - 2671951CZYSTY TEKST
Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, "The Antinoopolis Papyri", Part I, C. H. Roberts, London 1950 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1951 / Tom 5, s. 265 - 267
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag", title = ""The Antinoopolis Papyri", Part I, C. H. Roberts, London 1950 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1951 / Tom 5", pages = "265 - 267" }
"Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Papyri in the John Rylands Library Manchester", vol. IV, C. H. Roberts, E. G. Turner, Manchester 1952 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1952 / Tom 6 / s. 298 - 3091952CZYSTY TEKST
Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, Eric G. Turner, "Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Papyri in the John Rylands Library Manchester", vol. IV, C. H. Roberts, E. G. Turner, Manchester 1952 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1952 / Tom 6, s. 298 - 309
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, Eric G. Turner", title = ""Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Papyri in the John Rylands Library Manchester", vol. IV, C. H. Roberts, E. G. Turner, Manchester 1952 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1952 / Tom 6", pages = "298 - 309" }
"A Fable Recovered", С. H. Roberts, "Journ. Rom. Stud.", 47, 1957 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1957-1958 / Tom 11-12 / s. 3001957CZYSTY TEKST
Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, "A Fable Recovered", С. H. Roberts, "Journ. Rom. Stud.", 47, 1957 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1957-1958 / Tom 11-12, s. 300
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag", title = ""A Fable Recovered", С. H. Roberts, "Journ. Rom. Stud.", 47, 1957 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1957-1958 / Tom 11-12", pages = "300" }
"The Oxyrhynchus Papyri part XX", Lobel, Wegener, Roberts, London 1952 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1952 / Tom 6 / s. 315 - 3181952CZYSTY TEKST
Edgar Lobel, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, Eefje Prankje Wegener, "The Oxyrhynchus Papyri part XX", Lobel, Wegener, Roberts, London 1952 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1952 / Tom 6, s. 315 - 318
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Edgar Lobel, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, Eefje Prankje Wegener", title = ""The Oxyrhynchus Papyri part XX", Lobel, Wegener, Roberts, London 1952 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1952 / Tom 6", pages = "315 - 318" }
"Titus and Alexandria : a new document", C. H. Roberts, "Journal of Roman Studies", 39, 1949 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1950 / Tom 4 / s. 3591950CZYSTY TEKST
Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, "Titus and Alexandria : a new document", C. H. Roberts, "Journal of Roman Studies", 39, 1949 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1950 / Tom 4, s. 359
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag", title = ""Titus and Alexandria : a new document", C. H. Roberts, "Journal of Roman Studies", 39, 1949 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1950 / Tom 4", pages = "359" }
"A New Letter from Apollonius", P. M. Fraser, C. H. Roberts, "Chronique d'Egypte", no 48, 1949 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1950 / Tom 4 / s. 3751950CZYSTY TEKST
P. M. Fraser, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, "A New Letter from Apollonius", P. M. Fraser, C. H. Roberts, "Chronique d'Egypte", no 48, 1949 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1950 / Tom 4, s. 375
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " P. M. Fraser, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag", title = ""A New Letter from Apollonius", P. M. Fraser, C. H. Roberts, "Chronique d'Egypte", no 48, 1949 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1950 / Tom 4", pages = "375" }
"A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Collection of Wilfred Merton F. S. A.", vol. I, H. Idris Bell, C. H. Roberts, London 1948 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1950 / Tom 4 / s. 376 - 3811950CZYSTY TEKST
Harold Idris Bell, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, "A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Collection of Wilfred Merton F. S. A.", vol. I, H. Idris Bell, C. H. Roberts, London 1948 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1950 / Tom 4, s. 376 - 381
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Harold Idris Bell, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag", title = ""A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Collection of Wilfred Merton F. S. A.", vol. I, H. Idris Bell, C. H. Roberts, London 1948 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1950 / Tom 4", pages = "376 - 381" }
"Literature and Society in the Papyri", C. H. Roberts, "L'originalite de l'Egypte dans le monde gréco-romain", vol. 10, 1953, fasc. 3/4 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1953-1954 / Tom 7-8 / s. 4451953CZYSTY TEKST
Henryk Kupiszewski, Colin Henderson Roberts, "Literature and Society in the Papyri", C. H. Roberts, "L'originalite de l'Egypte dans le monde gréco-romain", vol. 10, 1953, fasc. 3/4 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1953-1954 / Tom 7-8, s. 445
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Henryk Kupiszewski, Colin Henderson Roberts", title = ""Literature and Society in the Papyri", C. H. Roberts, "L'originalite de l'Egypte dans le monde gréco-romain", vol. 10, 1953, fasc. 3/4 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1953-1954 / Tom 7-8", pages = "445" }
"The Beginning and the Date of P. Ryl. IV 586", С. H. Roberts, E. G. Turner, "J. E. A.", XXXIX, 1953 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1955-1956 / Tom 9-10 / s. 4771955CZYSTY TEKST
Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, Eric G. Turner, "The Beginning and the Date of P. Ryl. IV 586", С. H. Roberts, E. G. Turner, "J. E. A.", XXXIX, 1953 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1955-1956 / Tom 9-10, s. 477
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, Eric G. Turner", title = ""The Beginning and the Date of P. Ryl. IV 586", С. H. Roberts, E. G. Turner, "J. E. A.", XXXIX, 1953 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1955-1956 / Tom 9-10", pages = "477" }
"Early Christianity in Egypt : Three Notes", C. H. Roberts, "J. E. A.", 40, 1954 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1955-1956 / Tom 9-10 / s. 4801955CZYSTY TEKST
Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, "Early Christianity in Egypt : Three Notes", C. H. Roberts, "J. E. A.", 40, 1954 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1955-1956 / Tom 9-10, s. 480
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag", title = ""Early Christianity in Egypt : Three Notes", C. H. Roberts, "J. E. A.", 40, 1954 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1955-1956 / Tom 9-10", pages = "480" }
"The Oxyrhynchus Papyri", Part XXII, ed. with transl. and notes by E. Lobel and C. H. Roberts, London 1954 : [recenzja] Opublikowano w: The Journal of Juristic Papyrology 1955-1956 / Tom 9-10 / s. 564 - 5701955CZYSTY TEKST
Edgar Lobel, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag, "The Oxyrhynchus Papyri", Part XXII, ed. with transl. and notes by E. Lobel and C. H. Roberts, London 1954 : [recenzja] , The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 1955-1956 / Tom 9-10, s. 564 - 570
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Edgar Lobel, Colin Henderson Roberts, Rafał Taubenschlag", title = ""The Oxyrhynchus Papyri", Part XXII, ed. with transl. and notes by E. Lobel and C. H. Roberts, London 1954 : [recenzja] ", journal = "The Journal of Juristic Papyrology", issue = "1955-1956 / Tom 9-10", pages = "564 - 570" }