Eva Marsal
5 artykuły w 1 czasopismach
Children Philosophize: the Revival of an Ancient Greek Ideal Opublikowano w: Ethics in Progress 2011 / Tom 2 / Numer 12011CZYSTY TEKST
Mateusz Bonecki, Eva Marsal, Ewa Nowak, Barbara Weber, Children Philosophize: the Revival of an Ancient Greek Ideal, Ethics in Progress, 2011 / Tom 2 / Numer 1, s.
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mateusz Bonecki, Eva Marsal, Ewa Nowak, Barbara Weber", title = "Children Philosophize: the Revival of an Ancient Greek Ideal", journal = "Ethics in Progress", issue = "2011 / Tom 2 / Numer 1", pages = "" }
The Concepts of Japanese and German Primary School Children Relating to the Topic of Death in the Context of Values Education and the Ethics of Care – A German-Japanese Comparison with Gender Analysis Opublikowano w: Ethics in Progress 2011 / Tom 2 / Numer 12011CZYSTY TEKST
Takara Dobashi, Eva Marsal, The Concepts of Japanese and German Primary School Children Relating to the Topic of Death in the Context of Values Education and the Ethics of Care – A German-Japanese Comparison with Gender Analysis, Ethics in Progress, 2011 / Tom 2 / Numer 1, s.
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Takara Dobashi, Eva Marsal", title = "The Concepts of Japanese and German Primary School Children Relating to the Topic of Death in the Context of Values Education and the Ethics of Care – A German-Japanese Comparison with Gender Analysis", journal = "Ethics in Progress", issue = "2011 / Tom 2 / Numer 1", pages = "" }
Was ist Zeit, Herr Tarô Urashima? Denkerziehung mit dem klassischen Bilderbuch Opublikowano w: Ethics in Progress 2013 / Tom 4 / Numer 1 / s. 9 - 202013CZYSTY TEKST
Takara Dobashi, Eva Marsal, Was ist Zeit, Herr Tarô Urashima? Denkerziehung mit dem klassischen Bilderbuch, Ethics in Progress, 2013 / Tom 4 / Numer 1, s. 9 - 20
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Takara Dobashi, Eva Marsal", title = "Was ist Zeit, Herr Tarô Urashima? Denkerziehung mit dem klassischen Bilderbuch", journal = "Ethics in Progress", issue = "2013 / Tom 4 / Numer 1", pages = "9 - 20" }
“How Much Truth Can a Spirit Dare?” Nietzsche’s “Ethical” Truth Theory as an Epistemic Background for Philosophizing with Children Opublikowano w: Ethics in Progress 2011 / Tom 2 / Numer 2 / s. 23 - 452011CZYSTY TEKST
Eva Marsal, “How Much Truth Can a Spirit Dare?” Nietzsche’s “Ethical” Truth Theory as an Epistemic Background for Philosophizing with Children, Ethics in Progress, 2011 / Tom 2 / Numer 2, s. 23 - 45
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Eva Marsal", title = "“How Much Truth Can a Spirit Dare?” Nietzsche’s “Ethical” Truth Theory as an Epistemic Background for Philosophizing with Children", journal = "Ethics in Progress", issue = "2011 / Tom 2 / Numer 2", pages = "23 - 45" }
Geschichtsbewusstsein und Zeitzeugnis : Nietzsches Genealogie als Anregung zum philosophischen Dialog mit Kindern Opublikowano w: Ethics in Progress 2014 / Tom 5 / Numer 2 / s. 283 - 3052014CZYSTY TEKST
Takara Dobashi, Eva Marsal, Geschichtsbewusstsein und Zeitzeugnis : Nietzsches Genealogie als Anregung zum philosophischen Dialog mit Kindern, Ethics in Progress, 2014 / Tom 5 / Numer 2, s. 283 - 305
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Takara Dobashi, Eva Marsal", title = "Geschichtsbewusstsein und Zeitzeugnis : Nietzsches Genealogie als Anregung zum philosophischen Dialog mit Kindern", journal = "Ethics in Progress", issue = "2014 / Tom 5 / Numer 2", pages = "283 - 305" }