Wojciech Kołątaj, Kom El-Dikka: Preservation Work, 1999, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 17 - 22
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wojciech Kołątaj", title = "Kom El-Dikka: Preservation Work, 1999", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "17 - 22" }
Grzegorz Majcherek, Kom El-Dikka: Excavations, 1999, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 23 - 34
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grzegorz Majcherek", title = "Kom El-Dikka: Excavations, 1999", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "23 - 34" }
Krzysztof Babraj, Hanna Szymańska, Marea: First Interim Report, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 35 - 45
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Babraj, Hanna Szymańska", title = "Marea: First Interim Report, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "35 - 45" }
Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski, Marina El-Alamein: Season 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 47 - 61
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski", title = "Marina El-Alamein: Season 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "47 - 61" }
Stanisław Medeksza, Marina El-Alamein: Conservation Work, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 63 - 75
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stanisław Medeksza", title = "Marina El-Alamein: Conservation Work, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "63 - 75" }
Note on an Archaeological Site Near El Dabˁa on the Northwestern Coast of Egypts. 77 - 83CZYSTY TEKST
Wiktor A. Daszkiewicz, Abdel Latif el-Wakil, Grzegorz Majcherek, Iwona Zych, Note on an Archaeological Site Near El Dabˁa on the Northwestern Coast of Egypt, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 77 - 83
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wiktor A. Daszkiewicz, Abdel Latif el-Wakil, Grzegorz Majcherek, Iwona Zych", title = "Note on an Archaeological Site Near El Dabˁa on the Northwestern Coast of Egypt", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "77 - 83" }
Marek Chłodnicki, Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz, Tell El-Farkha (Ghazala): Interim Report, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 85 - 97
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marek Chłodnicki, Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz", title = "Tell El-Farkha (Ghazala): Interim Report, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "85 - 97" }
Cairo: Funerary Complex of Amir Kebir Qurqumas : Restoration Project Progress Report, 2000s. 99 - 106CZYSTY TEKST
Jerzy J. Kania, Cairo: Funerary Complex of Amir Kebir Qurqumas : Restoration Project Progress Report, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 99 - 106
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jerzy J. Kania", title = "Cairo: Funerary Complex of Amir Kebir Qurqumas : Restoration Project Progress Report, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "99 - 106" }
Karol Myśliwiec, West Saqqara: Excavations, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 107 - 119
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Karol Myśliwiec", title = "West Saqqara: Excavations, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "107 - 119" }
Zbigniew Godziejewski, West Saqqara: Conservation Work, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 120 - 126
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Godziejewski", title = "West Saqqara: Conservation Work, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "120 - 126" }
Salima Ikram, West Saqqara: Preliminary Zooarchaeological Report, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 127 - 132
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Salima Ikram", title = "West Saqqara: Preliminary Zooarchaeological Report, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "127 - 132" }
Kamil Omar Kuraszkiewicz, West Saqqara: Remarks on Corridor 1, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 133 - 137
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kamil Omar Kuraszkiewicz", title = "West Saqqara: Remarks on Corridor 1", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "133 - 137" }
Teodozja Izabela Rzeuska, West Saqqara: The Pottery, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 138 - 147
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Teodozja Izabela Rzeuska", title = "West Saqqara: The Pottery", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "138 - 147" }
Włodzimierz Godlewski, Naqlun: Excavations, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 149 - 161
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Włodzimierz Godlewski", title = "Naqlun: Excavations, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "149 - 161" }
Tomasz Górecki, Naqlun: The Pottery, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 162 - 167
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Górecki", title = "Naqlun: The Pottery", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "162 - 167" }
Naqlun: Remarques préliminaires (saison 2000) : récipients en verre : provenant des tombeaux datés du XIe au XIIIe siécles. 168 - 172CZYSTY TEKST
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert, Naqlun: Remarques préliminaires (saison 2000) : récipients en verre : provenant des tombeaux datés du XIe au XIIIe siécle, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 168 - 172
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert", title = "Naqlun: Remarques préliminaires (saison 2000) : récipients en verre : provenant des tombeaux datés du XIe au XIIIe siécle", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "168 - 172" }
Karol Piasecki, The Skulls from Naqlun, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 173 - 180
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Karol Piasecki", title = "The Skulls from Naqlun", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "173 - 180" }
Tomasz Herbich, Qasr El-Saga Magnetic Survey, 1999, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 181 - 184
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Herbich", title = "Qasr El-Saga Magnetic Survey, 1999", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "181 - 184" }
Zbigniew E. Szafrański, Deir El Bahari: The Temple of Hatshepsut : Season 1999, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 185 - 205
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew E. Szafrański", title = "Deir El Bahari: The Temple of Hatshepsut : Season 1999", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "185 - 205" }
Rajmund Witold Gazda, Deir El-Bahari: Conservation Work at the Temple of Hatshepsut, 1999, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 206 - 214
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Rajmund Witold Gazda", title = "Deir El-Bahari: Conservation Work at the Temple of Hatshepsut, 1999", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "206 - 214" }
Joanna Aksamit, Rafał Czerner, Deir El-Bahari: The Temple of Tuthmosis III : Season 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 215 - 219
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Aksamit, Rafał Czerner", title = "Deir El-Bahari: The Temple of Tuthmosis III : Season 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "215 - 219" }
Mikołaj Budzanowski, Andrzej Niwiński, Maciej Pawlikowski, Sławomir Rzepka, Deir El-Bahari Cliff Mission, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 221 - 235
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mikołaj Budzanowski, Andrzej Niwiński, Maciej Pawlikowski, Sławomir Rzepka", title = "Deir El-Bahari Cliff Mission, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "221 - 235" }
Mohammed el-Bialy, Janusz Karkowski, New Find of Decorated Blocks in Gurna, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 237 - 247
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mohammed el-Bialy, Janusz Karkowski", title = "New Find of Decorated Blocks in Gurna", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "237 - 247" }
Lech Krzyżaniak, Dakhleh Oasis: Research on Petroglyphs, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 249 - 257
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Lech Krzyżaniak", title = "Dakhleh Oasis: Research on Petroglyphs, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "249 - 257" }
Tomasz Herbich, Tatyana N. Smekalova, Dakhleh Oasis Magnetic Survey 1999-2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 259 - 262
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Herbich, Tatyana N. Smekalova", title = "Dakhleh Oasis Magnetic Survey 1999-2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "259 - 262" }
Stefan Jakobielski, Old Dongola: Season 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 265 - 279
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stefan Jakobielski", title = "Old Dongola: Season 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "265 - 279" }
Bogdan Żurawski, The Southern Dongola Reach Survey : Report on Fieldwork in 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 281 - 290
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Bogdan Żurawski", title = "The Southern Dongola Reach Survey : Report on Fieldwork in 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "281 - 290" }
Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski, Nea Paphos: Season 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 293 - 294
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski", title = "Nea Paphos: Season 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "293 - 294" }
Tomasz Waliszewski, Chhîm Explorations, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 297 - 306
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Waliszewski", title = "Chhîm Explorations, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "297 - 306" }
Michał Gawlikowski, Hawarte: Third Interim Report on the Work in the Mithraeum, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 309 - 314
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Gawlikowski", title = "Hawarte: Third Interim Report on the Work in the Mithraeum", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "309 - 314" }
Piotr Bieliński, Tell Arbid: Interim Report of the Fifth Season, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 315 - 326
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Bieliński", title = "Tell Arbid: Interim Report of the Fifth Season", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "315 - 326" }
Bassam Jamous, Ryszard F. Mazurowski, tell Qaramel Excavations 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 327 - 341
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Bassam Jamous, Ryszard F. Mazurowski", title = "tell Qaramel Excavations 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "327 - 341" }
Bassam Jamous, Ryszard F. Mazurowski, Khirbet al Berge: Discovering a New Roman and Byzantine Site, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 343 - 346
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Bassam Jamous, Ryszard F. Mazurowski", title = "Khirbet al Berge: Discovering a New Roman and Byzantine Site", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "343 - 346" }
Krzysztof Chmielewski, Tomasz Waliszewski, Tell Amarna: Restoration and Excavation, 2000, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2001 / Tom 12, s. 347 - 356
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Chmielewski, Tomasz Waliszewski", title = "Tell Amarna: Restoration and Excavation, 2000", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2001 / Tom 12", pages = "347 - 356" }