Tytuł artykułu    Autorzy Strony Czynności
Introducing the Representatives and Ideas of Russian Neo-Kantianism in Poland Władimir N. Biełow Barbara Czardybon s. 1-22
Can a Daoist Sage Have Close Relationships with Other Human Beings? Joanna Iwanowska s. 23-46
Life as Insinuation according to Henri Bergson and George Santayana Katarzyna Kremplewska s. 47-63
Leonard Nelson and Metaphysical Knowledge against the Neo-Kantian Background Tomasz Kubalica s. 64-80
Williamson’s Argument against the KK Principle Grzegorz Lisowski s. 81-95
Two Criticisms against Mathematical Realism Seungbae Park s. 96-106
Noema as Sense. The Problem of the Object of Consciousness in Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism Marek Rosiak s. 107-126
The Evil of Refraining to Save: Liu on the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing Jacob Blair s. 127-137
The Problem of Future Contingents Bożena Czernecka-Rej Marcin Tkaczyk (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 138-143