Tytuł Journal of Preschool and Elementary School Education
ISSN 2084-7998
Wydawca Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Inne tytuły
Liczba artykułów w woluminie: 13
Journal of Preschool and Elementary School Education
2013, Numer 1(3)

Tytuł artykułu    Autorzy Strony Czynności
Language support for children from a migration background in early-years settings in Bavaria with a focus on Munich Rozalina Engels-Kritidis s. 13-30
Social equality through multicultural education : a means for reducing prejudices and stereotypes in the educational process Martin Kaleja s. 31-46
Dimensions of multicultural education and their implications for primary school foreign language teaching Werona Król s. 47-60
A new challenge in institutional education : multiculturalism in preschools and elementary schools Imre Lipcsei s. 61-75
Teaching with a multicultural perspective Alica Petrasová s. 77-90
Child's identity from the perspective of cultural diversity Iwona Samborska s. 91-103
Multiculturalism : the challenge of matching language learning to early childhood education Ekaterina Sofronieva s. 105-119
From regional to intercultural education in Polish kindergartens Barbara Surma s. 121-135
Applying multicultural education at school, or how to lead pupils to tolerance Mária Vargová s. 137-149
Project for improving the quality of education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Presov by means of electronic support Jana Burgerová s. 153-156
A report on the research of Teacher Education in Central and Eastern Europe Aneta Kamińska s. 157-158
"Travail socio-éducatif et de formation avec l'ethnie Rom", Ludmila Krajcirikova, Fribourg 2012 : [recenzja] Lucia Gažiová Ludmila Krajcirikova (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 159-162
"Rómovia v literatúre pre deti a mládež na Slovensku", Bibiana Hlebová et al., Presov 2011 : [recenzja] Jana Sopková Bibiana Hlebová (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 163-166