El yo intimo frente a la sociedad española en los recuerdos de adolescencia de Pío Barojas. 9 - 19CZYSTY TEKST
Elżbieta Bender, El yo intimo frente a la sociedad española en los recuerdos de adolescencia de Pío Baroja, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 9 - 19
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Elżbieta Bender", title = "El yo intimo frente a la sociedad española en los recuerdos de adolescencia de Pío Baroja", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "9 - 19" }
La Modernité de la Construction du Personnage de Cripure dans "Le Sang Noir" de Louis Guillouxs. 20 - 30CZYSTY TEKST
Renata Bizek-Tatara, La Modernité de la Construction du Personnage de Cripure dans "Le Sang Noir" de Louis Guilloux, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 20 - 30
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Renata Bizek-Tatara", title = "La Modernité de la Construction du Personnage de Cripure dans "Le Sang Noir" de Louis Guilloux", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "20 - 30" }
Realism in Mukherjee’s "Jasmine" and Divakaruni’s "The Mistress Of Spices": Two Renderings of Contemporary Asian American Immigrant Experiences. 31 - 40CZYSTY TEKST
Izabella Kimak, Realism in Mukherjee’s "Jasmine" and Divakaruni’s "The Mistress Of Spices": Two Renderings of Contemporary Asian American Immigrant Experience, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 31 - 40
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Izabella Kimak", title = "Realism in Mukherjee’s "Jasmine" and Divakaruni’s "The Mistress Of Spices": Two Renderings of Contemporary Asian American Immigrant Experience", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "31 - 40" }
Sylwia Kucharuk, L’opposizione Pirandelliana Vita–Forma in "Żeglarz" di Jerzy Szaniawski, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 41 - 57
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Sylwia Kucharuk", title = "L’opposizione Pirandelliana Vita–Forma in "Żeglarz" di Jerzy Szaniawski", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "41 - 57" }
Гавро Шкриванић, Е.В.Спекторский и А.Л.Блок: история взаимоотношений, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 58 - 74
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Гавро Шкриванић", title = "Е.В.Спекторский и А.Л.Блок: история взаимоотношений", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "58 - 74" }
Leszek Mikrut, Популярность беллетристики Григория Данилевского в Европе, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 74 - 87
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Leszek Mikrut", title = "Популярность беллетристики Григория Данилевского в Европе", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "74 - 87" }
Архітектонічна та ідейно-естетична симетрія повісті Наталени Королевої 1313 та роману Умберто Еко "Il nome della rosa"s. 87 - 113CZYSTY TEKST
Гавро Шкриванић, Архітектонічна та ідейно-естетична симетрія повісті Наталени Королевої 1313 та роману Умберто Еко "Il nome della rosa", Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 87 - 113
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Гавро Шкриванић", title = "Архітектонічна та ідейно-естетична симетрія повісті Наталени Королевої 1313 та роману Умберто Еко "Il nome della rosa"", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "87 - 113" }
Tomasz Walicki, Entfremdung und Verfolgung als Motive Christoph Heins Roman "Horns Ende", Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 114 - 128
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Walicki", title = "Entfremdung und Verfolgung als Motive Christoph Heins Roman "Horns Ende"", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "114 - 128" }
Lechosław Baran, Eufemismo na imprensa – estrutura e funcionamento, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 128 - 147
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Lechosław Baran", title = "Eufemismo na imprensa – estrutura e funcionamento", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "128 - 147" }
Ercilia Ana Cazarin, Os Gestos de Leitura – Escritura em uma Perspectiva Discursiva, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 148 - 161
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ercilia Ana Cazarin", title = "Os Gestos de Leitura – Escritura em uma Perspectiva Discursiva", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "148 - 161" }
Linguistique textuelle : quelques remarques sur la cohésion de "Nana" d’Emile Zolas. 162 - 171CZYSTY TEKST
Beata Ejtel, Linguistique textuelle : quelques remarques sur la cohésion de "Nana" d’Emile Zola, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 162 - 171
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Beata Ejtel", title = "Linguistique textuelle : quelques remarques sur la cohésion de "Nana" d’Emile Zola", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "162 - 171" }
Apperception in Compounding as Manifestation of Iconicity : Selected Remarks on Jan Michał Rozwadowski’s Theory of Apperceptions. 172 - 190CZYSTY TEKST
Konrad Klimkowski, Apperception in Compounding as Manifestation of Iconicity : Selected Remarks on Jan Michał Rozwadowski’s Theory of Apperception, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 172 - 190
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Konrad Klimkowski", title = "Apperception in Compounding as Manifestation of Iconicity : Selected Remarks on Jan Michał Rozwadowski’s Theory of Apperception", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "172 - 190" }
Jack-Go-To-Bed-At-Noon and Lisi Ogon: The Analyzability and Compositionality of Plant Terms in English and Polishs. 191 - 211CZYSTY TEKST
Agnieszka Mierzwińska-Hajnos, Jack-Go-To-Bed-At-Noon and Lisi Ogon: The Analyzability and Compositionality of Plant Terms in English and Polish, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 191 - 211
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnieszka Mierzwińska-Hajnos", title = "Jack-Go-To-Bed-At-Noon and Lisi Ogon: The Analyzability and Compositionality of Plant Terms in English and Polish", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "191 - 211" }
Kreieren, Steuern, Kontrollieren, Aufrecherhalten der Interaktionsprozesse: Zu Kommunikativen Handlungen der Moderatorin in der Politischen Talkshows. 211 - 227CZYSTY TEKST
Joanna Pędzisz, Kreieren, Steuern, Kontrollieren, Aufrecherhalten der Interaktionsprozesse: Zu Kommunikativen Handlungen der Moderatorin in der Politischen Talkshow, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 211 - 227
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Pędzisz", title = "Kreieren, Steuern, Kontrollieren, Aufrecherhalten der Interaktionsprozesse: Zu Kommunikativen Handlungen der Moderatorin in der Politischen Talkshow", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "211 - 227" }
Alcune riflessioni sull’uso dei verbi “andare“ e “venire“ in italiano e in franceses. 228 - 241CZYSTY TEKST
Izabela Anna Szantyka, Alcune riflessioni sull’uso dei verbi “andare“ e “venire“ in italiano e in francese, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 228 - 241
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Izabela Anna Szantyka", title = "Alcune riflessioni sull’uso dei verbi “andare“ e “venire“ in italiano e in francese", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "228 - 241" }
Sémantique lexicale et corpus : l’étude du lexique transdisciplinaire des écrits scientifiquess. 242 - 260CZYSTY TEKST
Agnès Tutin, Sémantique lexicale et corpus : l’étude du lexique transdisciplinaire des écrits scientifiques, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 242 - 260
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnès Tutin", title = "Sémantique lexicale et corpus : l’étude du lexique transdisciplinaire des écrits scientifiques", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "242 - 260" }
Anna Hajduk, Contextualization in L2 vocabulary instruction – an action research study, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 261 - 272
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Hajduk", title = "Contextualization in L2 vocabulary instruction – an action research study", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "261 - 272" }
Interferencias Morfosintácticas en la Producción Escrita de Estudiantes Hispanistas Polacoss. 273 - 281CZYSTY TEKST
Tomasz Niestorowicz, Interferencias Morfosintácticas en la Producción Escrita de Estudiantes Hispanistas Polacos, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 273 - 281
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Niestorowicz", title = "Interferencias Morfosintácticas en la Producción Escrita de Estudiantes Hispanistas Polacos", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "273 - 281" }
Argumentative Bedeutung von historischen Analogien in der nationalsozialistischen Propaganda während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Einige Bemerkungen über Methodologie und Forschungsergebnisse eines Projektss. 282 - 300CZYSTY TEKST
Piotr Kołtunowski, Argumentative Bedeutung von historischen Analogien in der nationalsozialistischen Propaganda während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Einige Bemerkungen über Methodologie und Forschungsergebnisse eines Projekts, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 282 - 300
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Kołtunowski", title = "Argumentative Bedeutung von historischen Analogien in der nationalsozialistischen Propaganda während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Einige Bemerkungen über Methodologie und Forschungsergebnisse eines Projekts", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "282 - 300" }
Der Oder-Neiße-Komplex – eine symbolische Grenze in den Deutsch-Polnischen Beziehungens. 301 - 313CZYSTY TEKST
Krystyna Mihułka, Der Oder-Neiße-Komplex – eine symbolische Grenze in den Deutsch-Polnischen Beziehungen, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 301 - 313
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krystyna Mihułka", title = "Der Oder-Neiße-Komplex – eine symbolische Grenze in den Deutsch-Polnischen Beziehungen", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "301 - 313" }
The Favourites of James I and their impact on the King’s home and foreign policys. 314 - 326CZYSTY TEKST
Marek Smoluk, The Favourites of James I and their impact on the King’s home and foreign policy, Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 314 - 326
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marek Smoluk", title = "The Favourites of James I and their impact on the King’s home and foreign policy", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "314 - 326" }
"Unser armer Schiller. Eine respektlose Annäherung", Johannes Lehmann, Hamburg 2000; 2005 : [recenzja]s. 327 - 328CZYSTY TEKST
Ewa Grzesiuk, Johannes Lehmann, "Unser armer Schiller. Eine respektlose Annäherung", Johannes Lehmann, Hamburg 2000; 2005 : [recenzja], Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 327 - 328
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewa Grzesiuk, Johannes Lehmann", title = ""Unser armer Schiller. Eine respektlose Annäherung", Johannes Lehmann, Hamburg 2000; 2005 : [recenzja]", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "327 - 328" }
"Universum sacrum’у в художній прозі (від Модернізму до Постмодернізму) = Universum sacrum in der Belletristik (von Modernismus bis zum Postmodernismus). Auf der Suche nach sakralen Dimensionen der Literatur", Ігор Набитович, Drohobyč 2008 : [recenzja]s. 329 - 334CZYSTY TEKST
Roman Zin, Гавро Шкриванић, "Universum sacrum’у в художній прозі (від Модернізму до Постмодернізму) = Universum sacrum in der Belletristik (von Modernismus bis zum Postmodernismus). Auf der Suche nach sakralen Dimensionen der Literatur", Ігор Набитович, Drohobyč 2008 : [recenzja], Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 2008 / Tom 32, s. 329 - 334
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Roman Zin, Гавро Шкриванић", title = ""Universum sacrum’у в художній прозі (від Модернізму до Постмодернізму) = Universum sacrum in der Belletristik (von Modernismus bis zum Postmodernismus). Auf der Suche nach sakralen Dimensionen der Literatur", Ігор Набитович, Drohobyč 2008 : [recenzja]", journal = "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", issue = "2008 / Tom 32", pages = "329 - 334" }