The ideological base of radicalisation of young muslimss. 4 - 21CZYSTY TEKST
Aleksander Głogowski, The ideological base of radicalisation of young muslims, European Journal of Geopolitics, 2017 / Numer 5, s. 4 - 21
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aleksander Głogowski", title = "The ideological base of radicalisation of young muslims", journal = "European Journal of Geopolitics", issue = "2017 / Numer 5", pages = "4 - 21" }
Migration and language in the Americas and Europe 20th and 21st centuriess. 22 - 61CZYSTY TEKST
Roman Szul, Migration and language in the Americas and Europe 20th and 21st centuries, European Journal of Geopolitics, 2017 / Numer 5, s. 22 - 61
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Roman Szul", title = "Migration and language in the Americas and Europe 20th and 21st centuries", journal = "European Journal of Geopolitics", issue = "2017 / Numer 5", pages = "22 - 61" }
Citizens' involvement in public sphere. Information as a ius publicum factor of the state of democracys. 62 - 98CZYSTY TEKST
Adam Rogala-Lewicki, Citizens' involvement in public sphere. Information as a ius publicum factor of the state of democracy, European Journal of Geopolitics, 2017 / Numer 5, s. 62 - 98
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Adam Rogala-Lewicki", title = "Citizens' involvement in public sphere. Information as a ius publicum factor of the state of democracy", journal = "European Journal of Geopolitics", issue = "2017 / Numer 5", pages = "62 - 98" }
The idea of Great Hungary in historical perspectives. 99 - 128CZYSTY TEKST
Márk Sima, The idea of Great Hungary in historical perspective, European Journal of Geopolitics, 2017 / Numer 5, s. 99 - 128
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Márk Sima", title = "The idea of Great Hungary in historical perspective", journal = "European Journal of Geopolitics", issue = "2017 / Numer 5", pages = "99 - 128" }