Tytuł artykułu   (Znaleziono: 17 artykułów) Autorzy Strony Czynności
"St. Majewski S.A" - firma z tradycją s. 4-61
Eating Habits and Food of the Monks of Palestine in the 5th – 6th c. Kamilla Twardowska s. 6-14
Six papyri from Hamilton College Alan E. Samuel s. 33-51
Zakaz wyrokowania ponad żądanie strony (‘ne eat iudex ultra petita partium’) – rzymskie tradycje i współczesne regulacje polskiego procesowego prawa cywilnego Joanna Misztal-Konecka s. 41-56
Good to love or good to eat? Ethical and ideological implications of hunting, killing and the consumption of anthropomorphic animals in popular picturebooks Kelly Hübben s. 48-57
Food-related concerns and ‘good’ food procurement strategies : from research into eating practices in Poland Justyna Straczuk s. 63-77
Cesarz rzymski Aurelian jako "paedagogus militum" Agata A. Kluczek s. 73-100
Meat eaten by Roman soldiers at the sentry post on Kazackaya Hill near Inkerman (Sevastopol, Ukraine) Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski Joanna Piątkowska-Małeck Magdalena Wróbel s. 101-115, 130-131
"The Wizard and the Man-Eaters" : The White Man's Dark Lies in Stevenson's South Sea Fiction Joanna Małecka s. 109-115
Do sport climbers need education in their eating habits? Milena Alexová Jana Juříková Martina Pluháčková s. 111-118
Name-Calling in Slovenia : 'We' and the 'Others' Marija Stanonik s. 123-148
Can one eat art? : The political, socioeconomic and artistic role of food in Peter Greenaway's film "The Cook, the Tief, his Wife, and her Lover" Małgorzata Kowalewska s. 156-164
"Racial and Cultural Minorities : An Analysis of Prejudice and Discrimination", George Eaton Simpson, J. Milton Jinger, New York 1958 : [recenzja] Zbigniew A. Żechowski J. Milton Jinger (aut. dzieła rec.) George Eaton Simpson (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 167-170
"All You Can Eat" the Ancient Way Anna Tarwacka s. 211-220
The Night-Eating Syndrome, Physical Activity and BMI Relationship in University Students Alena Buková Martina Hančová Kvetoslava Rimárová Ivan Uher s. 225-234
Portions of a Coptic discourse by Shenute (Vienna Incipit List no. 44) Dwight W. Young s. 16, 231-271
"Eat, drink and be merry (Luke 12:19). Food and wine in Byzantium. In honour of Professor A. A. M. Bryer", red. L. Brubaker, K. Linardou, Aldershot 2007 : [recenzja] Maciej Kokoszko Leslie Brubaker (aut. dzieła rec.) Kallirroe Linardou (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 650-652