Introductions. 7CZYSTY TEKST
Aleksander Panasiuk, Introduction, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 7
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aleksander Panasiuk", title = "Introduction", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "7" }
Range of regulation and freedom of competition in the market of telecommunications servicess. 11 - 18CZYSTY TEKST
Wiesław M. Maziarz, Range of regulation and freedom of competition in the market of telecommunications services, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 11 - 18
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wiesław M. Maziarz", title = "Range of regulation and freedom of competition in the market of telecommunications services", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "11 - 18" }
The directions of changes on the Polish postal services' market : a critical approachs. 19 - 26CZYSTY TEKST
Grażyna Wolska, The directions of changes on the Polish postal services' market : a critical approach, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 19 - 26
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grażyna Wolska", title = "The directions of changes on the Polish postal services' market : a critical approach", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "19 - 26" }
Knowledge management as an element of competition between service companies in the age of the New Economys. 29 - 38CZYSTY TEKST
Agnieszka Budziewicz-Guźlecka, Anna Drab-Kurowska, Knowledge management as an element of competition between service companies in the age of the New Economy, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 29 - 38
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Agnieszka Budziewicz-Guźlecka, Anna Drab-Kurowska", title = "Knowledge management as an element of competition between service companies in the age of the New Economy", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "29 - 38" }
Costs measurement's procedure of public services : idea outlines. 41 - 47CZYSTY TEKST
Beata Filipiak, Costs measurement's procedure of public services : idea outline, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 41 - 47
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Beata Filipiak", title = "Costs measurement's procedure of public services : idea outline", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "41 - 47" }
Aggregation services on the financial market : new line of business in financial sectors. 49 - 56CZYSTY TEKST
Dorota Korenik, Aggregation services on the financial market : new line of business in financial sector, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 49 - 56
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dorota Korenik", title = "Aggregation services on the financial market : new line of business in financial sector", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "49 - 56" }
Helping angel hand for start ups : the introduction to business angel financings. 57 - 64CZYSTY TEKST
Robert Rumiński, Helping angel hand for start ups : the introduction to business angel financing, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 57 - 64
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Robert Rumiński", title = "Helping angel hand for start ups : the introduction to business angel financing", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "57 - 64" }
The usage of multiple dichotomous criteria in preparing marketing strategiess. 67 - 72CZYSTY TEKST
Ewa Flejterska, Leszek Gracz, The usage of multiple dichotomous criteria in preparing marketing strategies, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 67 - 72
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ewa Flejterska, Leszek Gracz", title = "The usage of multiple dichotomous criteria in preparing marketing strategies", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "67 - 72" }
Promotion management in the conditions of region's competitiveness creatings. 73 - 79CZYSTY TEKST
Aleksander Panasiuk, Promotion management in the conditions of region's competitiveness creating, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 73 - 79
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Aleksander Panasiuk", title = "Promotion management in the conditions of region's competitiveness creating", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "73 - 79" }
Consumer assessment of competitiveness of food and beverage servicess. 81 - 86CZYSTY TEKST
Romuald Zabrocki, Consumer assessment of competitiveness of food and beverage services, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 81 - 86
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Romuald Zabrocki", title = "Consumer assessment of competitiveness of food and beverage services", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "81 - 86" }
Personel aspects in management of public post in Polands. 89 - 93CZYSTY TEKST
Jacek Buko, Personel aspects in management of public post in Poland, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 89 - 93
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jacek Buko", title = "Personel aspects in management of public post in Poland", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "89 - 93" }
The importance of motivation in staff management on the example of Radisson SAS Hotel in Szczecins. 95 - 99CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Tokarz, The importance of motivation in staff management on the example of Radisson SAS Hotel in Szczecin, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 95 - 99
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Tokarz", title = "The importance of motivation in staff management on the example of Radisson SAS Hotel in Szczecin", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "95 - 99" }
Stakeholders management in the process of service innovation commercialization : methodology frameworks. 103 - 113CZYSTY TEKST
Wojciech Downar, Katarzyna Rychlik, Stakeholders management in the process of service innovation commercialization : methodology framework, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 103 - 113
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wojciech Downar, Katarzyna Rychlik", title = "Stakeholders management in the process of service innovation commercialization : methodology framework", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "103 - 113" }
Innovative form of IT services outsourcing : advantages and disadvantages of using application supporting management in ASP models. 115 - 120CZYSTY TEKST
Tomasz Norek, Innovative form of IT services outsourcing : advantages and disadvantages of using application supporting management in ASP model, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 115 - 120
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Norek", title = "Innovative form of IT services outsourcing : advantages and disadvantages of using application supporting management in ASP model", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "115 - 120" }
Logistics solutions in the hospital : Japanese experiencess. 123 - 133CZYSTY TEKST
Izabela Dembińska-Cyran, Logistics solutions in the hospital : Japanese experiences, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 123 - 133
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Izabela Dembińska-Cyran", title = "Logistics solutions in the hospital : Japanese experiences", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "123 - 133" }
Logistic support system in Polish Posts. 135 - 143CZYSTY TEKST
Konrad Michalski, Logistic support system in Polish Post, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 135 - 143
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Konrad Michalski", title = "Logistic support system in Polish Post", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "135 - 143" }
Franchising as a challenge and an opportunity for entrepreneurss. 147 - 153CZYSTY TEKST
Magda Kokoszka, Franchising as a challenge and an opportunity for entrepreneurs, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 147 - 153
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magda Kokoszka", title = "Franchising as a challenge and an opportunity for entrepreneurs", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "147 - 153" }
Analysis of the financial condition of the Polish enterprises in crisiss. 155 - 159CZYSTY TEKST
Małgorzata Porada-Rochoń, Analysis of the financial condition of the Polish enterprises in crisis, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 155 - 159
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Małgorzata Porada-Rochoń", title = "Analysis of the financial condition of the Polish enterprises in crisis", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "155 - 159" }
Ownership transfer of service companiess. 161 - 168CZYSTY TEKST
Sławomir Zarębski, Ownership transfer of service companies, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 161 - 168
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Sławomir Zarębski", title = "Ownership transfer of service companies", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "161 - 168" }
Foreign investments in service sector in the region of Warmia and Mazury and employment policy in direct foreign investments companiess. 171 - 180CZYSTY TEKST
Roman Kisiel, Wiesława Lizińska, Foreign investments in service sector in the region of Warmia and Mazury and employment policy in direct foreign investments companies, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 171 - 180
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Roman Kisiel, Wiesława Lizińska", title = "Foreign investments in service sector in the region of Warmia and Mazury and employment policy in direct foreign investments companies", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "171 - 180" }
Services in the rural area of West Pomeranians. 181 - 186CZYSTY TEKST
Jolanta Kondratowicz-Pozorska, Services in the rural area of West Pomeranian, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 181 - 186
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jolanta Kondratowicz-Pozorska", title = "Services in the rural area of West Pomeranian", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "181 - 186" }
Transformations of social and economic structure of high developed regionss. 187 - 196CZYSTY TEKST
Stanisław Korenik, Katarzyna Miszczak, Transformations of social and economic structure of high developed regions, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 187 - 196
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Stanisław Korenik, Katarzyna Miszczak", title = "Transformations of social and economic structure of high developed regions", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "187 - 196" }
Customer preferences in choosing public passenger communication in West Pomerania voivodships. 197 - 203CZYSTY TEKST
Leszek Gracz, Józef Perenc, Customer preferences in choosing public passenger communication in West Pomerania voivodship, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 197 - 203
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Leszek Gracz, Józef Perenc", title = "Customer preferences in choosing public passenger communication in West Pomerania voivodship", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "197 - 203" }
Problems of tourist project management in units of territorial self-governments. 205 - 209CZYSTY TEKST
Bogusław Sawicki, Problems of tourist project management in units of territorial self-government, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 205 - 209
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Bogusław Sawicki", title = "Problems of tourist project management in units of territorial self-government", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "205 - 209" }
Operational programme "Infrastructure and the Environment" as a source of financing of infrastructural gap at Polish self-government levels. 211 - 220CZYSTY TEKST
Magdalena Zioło, Operational programme "Infrastructure and the Environment" as a source of financing of infrastructural gap at Polish self-government level, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 211 - 220
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Magdalena Zioło", title = "Operational programme "Infrastructure and the Environment" as a source of financing of infrastructural gap at Polish self-government level", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "211 - 220" }
Quality management in public services exemplified by the Raczyński Library in Poznańs. 223 - 232CZYSTY TEKST
Joanna Przybylska, Quality management in public services exemplified by the Raczyński Library in Poznań, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 223 - 232
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Przybylska", title = "Quality management in public services exemplified by the Raczyński Library in Poznań", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "223 - 232" }
Shopping tourism of German clients to the West Pomeranian Region in the light of research conducted from 2004 to 2006s. 235 - 243CZYSTY TEKST
Joanna Markiewicz, Piotr Niedzielski, Shopping tourism of German clients to the West Pomeranian Region in the light of research conducted from 2004 to 2006, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 235 - 243
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Joanna Markiewicz, Piotr Niedzielski", title = "Shopping tourism of German clients to the West Pomeranian Region in the light of research conducted from 2004 to 2006", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "235 - 243" }
Needs for development of tourist service management on an example of Kozłowiecki Landscape Parks. 245 - 250CZYSTY TEKST
Jerzy Koproń, Bogusław Sawicki, Needs for development of tourist service management on an example of Kozłowiecki Landscape Park, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 245 - 250
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Jerzy Koproń, Bogusław Sawicki", title = "Needs for development of tourist service management on an example of Kozłowiecki Landscape Park", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "245 - 250" }
Guidelines for paperss. 251CZYSTY TEKST
Guidelines for papers, Service Management, 2008 / Tom 2, s. 251
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = "", title = "Guidelines for papers", journal = "Service Management", issue = "2008 / Tom 2", pages = "251" }