Tytuł The Journal of Education, Culture and Society
ISSN 2081-1640
Wydawca Uniwersytet Wrocławski. University of the Third Age
Inne tytuły
Liczba artykułów w woluminie: 25
The Journal of Education, Culture and Society
2015, Numer 1

Tytuł artykułu    Autorzy Strony Czynności
Internet as the new chance for academic communities Aleksander Kobylarek s. 5-8
The Nothingness of the Anguish in Søren Kierkegaard’s work as Modernity’s Infernal Redemption Francisc-Norbert Ormeny s. 11-19
The Courage To Be Anxious : Paul Tillich’s Existential Interpretation of Anxiety Stefan Bolea s. 20-25
Dictionaries and ideologies: some remarks of the EFL lexicography Anna Włodarczyk-Stachurska s. 26-39
What model of science? Towards the sociologically oriented science policy Dorota Jedlikowska s. 43-54
Sylvia Plath and the dangers of biography Selma Asotic s. 55-64
Inquiry based learning in science education and mathematics for developing bilinguals Borislav St. Borisov Krasimir V. Harizanov Dragomir V. Marchev Nataliya H. Pavlova s. 65-74
The role of Facebook in the process of acquiring information : own research study Malwina Popiołek s. 75-85
Being Positive : approaching Career Design from the Perspective of Positive Psychology Grażyna Budzińska Małgorzata Klimka s. 89-100
Depression as an Escape from Burden of Life Magda Bartoskova s. 101-107
Psychological determinants of the individual’s propensity to manipulate in interpersonal interactions Nataliya Grebin s. 108-119
The ‘unforgettable’ experience of foreign language anxiety Morana Drakulić s. 120-128
Facial features and social attractiveness: preferences of Bosnian female students Nina Bosankić s. 129-140
The symphonic music of the national schools in 20th century Europe in the repertoire of the Philharmonic of Cluj (1955-1989) : creative perspectives of C. Silvestri’s Chants Nostalgiques op. 27 no. 1 Simona Spiridon s. 143-152
The effectiveness & infl uence of Vocal and Instrumental Improvisation in Music Therapy on children diagnosed with autism : pilot Study Sara Knapik-Szweda s. 153-166
Using Educational Marble Games in German Language Teaching Hasan Coskun s. 167-184
Cross-cultural differences in visual perception Jiri Cenek Sasinka Cenek s. 187-206
Temporality and permanence in Romanian public art Maria-Judit Balko s. 207-216
YouTube’s Role in Destination Image Creation Hrvoje Jakopović s. 217-226
Educational role of art history as a school subject area in programmes of formal education in Slovenia: the aspect of vzgoja, according to general European guidelines Marjana Dolsina s. 227-241
The characteristics of the Third Sector in Ukraine. Increases and decreases in the activity of particular organizations and the policy of the ruling elite Kamila Pytlik s. 245-256
Development of absorptive capacity in a regional innovation system: experience of Lithuanian regions Vita Jukneviciene s. 257-270
Investigation of multi-criteria method for the assessment of sustainable development: The case of Lithuania Roberta Kareivaite s. 271-280
The role of tourism and hospitality companies in ensuring an effective internship process Agita Donina s. 281-290
Index s. 291-298