Grzegorz Majcherek, Alexandria: Excavations and Preservation Work : Preliminary Report 2006, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 31 - 48
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grzegorz Majcherek", title = "Alexandria: Excavations and Preservation Work : Preliminary Report 2006", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "31 - 48" }
The Islamic Graveyard on Kom El-Dikka in Alexandria : Excavations in the 2006s. 49 - 55CZYSTY TEKST
Emanuela Kulicka, The Islamic Graveyard on Kom El-Dikka in Alexandria : Excavations in the 2006, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 49 - 55
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Emanuela Kulicka", title = "The Islamic Graveyard on Kom El-Dikka in Alexandria : Excavations in the 2006", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "49 - 55" }
Renata Kucharczyk, Glass from Area F on Kom El-Dikka (Alexandria), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 56 - 70
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Renata Kucharczyk", title = "Glass from Area F on Kom El-Dikka (Alexandria)", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "56 - 70" }
Krzysztof Babraj, Hanna Szymańska, Marea 2007 : Eight Season of Excavations, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 71 - 76
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Krzysztof Babraj, Hanna Szymańska", title = "Marea 2007 : Eight Season of Excavations", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "71 - 76" }
Barbara Wrońska Kucy, Conservation Work at Marea in 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 77 - 80
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Barbara Wrońska Kucy", title = "Conservation Work at Marea in 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "77 - 80" }
Grażyna Bąkowska, Rafał Czerner, Stanisław Medeksza, Piotr Zambrzycki, Marina El-Alamein: Conservation Work in the 2007 Season, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 81 - 97
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Grażyna Bąkowska, Rafał Czerner, Stanisław Medeksza, Piotr Zambrzycki", title = "Marina El-Alamein: Conservation Work in the 2007 Season", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "81 - 97" }
Rafał Czerner, Stanisław Medeksza, The Commodus Monument from House H21C in Maarina El-Alamein, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 98 - 113
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Rafał Czerner, Stanisław Medeksza", title = "The Commodus Monument from House H21C in Maarina El-Alamein", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "98 - 113" }
Renata Kucharczyk, Glass from Houses 1 and 2 in Marina El-Alamein, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 114 - 130
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Renata Kucharczyk", title = "Glass from Houses 1 and 2 in Marina El-Alamein", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "114 - 130" }
Tomasz Herbich, A. Jeffrey Spencer, Tell El-Balamun: Geophysical and Archaeological Survey, 2007-2008, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 131 - 141
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Herbich, A. Jeffrey Spencer", title = "Tell El-Balamun: Geophysical and Archaeological Survey, 2007-2008", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "131 - 141" }
Vojtech Gajdoš, Jozef Hudec, Kamil Rozimant, Sławomir Rzepka, Tell El-Retaba: Season 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 143 - 151
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Vojtech Gajdoš, Jozef Hudec, Kamil Rozimant, Sławomir Rzepka", title = "Tell El-Retaba: Season 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "143 - 151" }
Anna Wodzińska, Tell El-Retaba: Ceramic Survey, 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 152 - 159
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Wodzińska", title = "Tell El-Retaba: Ceramic Survey, 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "152 - 159" }
Marek Chłodnicki, Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz, Tell El-Farkha: Preliminary Report, 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 161 - 178
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marek Chłodnicki, Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz", title = "Tell El-Farkha: Preliminary Report, 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "161 - 178" }
Karol Myśliwiec, Saqqara 2007 : Archaeological Activities, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 179 - 186
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Karol Myśliwiec", title = "Saqqara 2007 : Archaeological Activities", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "179 - 186" }
Kamil O. Kuraszkiewicz, Saqqara 2007 : Inscribed Material, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 187 - 193
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kamil O. Kuraszkiewicz", title = "Saqqara 2007 : Inscribed Material", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "187 - 193" }
Kamil O. Kuraszkiewicz, Jerzy Trzciński, Fabian Welc, Preliminary Report on Geoarchaeological Research in West Saqqara, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 194 - 208
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Kamil O. Kuraszkiewicz, Jerzy Trzciński, Fabian Welc", title = "Preliminary Report on Geoarchaeological Research in West Saqqara", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "194 - 208" }
Teodozja I. Rzeuska, Fabian Welc, Some Remarks on the Western Massif in the Step Pyramid Complex, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 209 - 214
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Teodozja I. Rzeuska, Fabian Welc", title = "Some Remarks on the Western Massif in the Step Pyramid Complex", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "209 - 214" }
Teodozja I. Rzeuska, Saqqara 2007 : The Pottery, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 215 - 223
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Teodozja I. Rzeuska", title = "Saqqara 2007 : The Pottery", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "215 - 223" }
Zbigniew Godziejewski, Saqqara 2007 : Conservation Work, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 224 - 228
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew Godziejewski", title = "Saqqara 2007 : Conservation Work", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "224 - 228" }
Włodzimierz Godlewski, Naqlun 2007 : Preliminary Report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 229 - 244
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Włodzimierz Godlewski", title = "Naqlun 2007 : Preliminary Report", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "229 - 244" }
Barbara Lichocka, Naqlun 2007 : Numismatic Note, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 245 - 247
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Barbara Lichocka", title = "Naqlun 2007 : Numismatic Note", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "245 - 247" }
Barbara Czaja-Szewczak, Conservation of a Fatimid Shawl from the Naqlun Cemetery, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 248 - 250
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Barbara Czaja-Szewczak", title = "Conservation of a Fatimid Shawl from the Naqlun Cemetery", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "248 - 250" }
Zbigniew E. Szafrański, Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir El-Bahari, Seasons 2006, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 251 - 268
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Zbigniew E. Szafrański", title = "Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir El-Bahari, Seasons 2006", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "251 - 268" }
Olga Białostocka, Courtyard of the Royal Mortuary Cult Complex, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 269 - 272
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Olga Białostocka", title = "Courtyard of the Royal Mortuary Cult Complex", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "269 - 272" }
Edyta Kopp, Reconstruction Work in the Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 273 - 277
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Edyta Kopp", title = "Reconstruction Work in the Vestibule of the Chapel of Hatshepsut", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "273 - 277" }
Restoration Work in the Solar Cult Complex of the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir El-Baharis. 278 - 284CZYSTY TEKST
Teresa Kaczor, Mieczysław Michiewicz, Restoration Work in the Solar Cult Complex of the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir El-Bahari, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 278 - 284
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Teresa Kaczor, Mieczysław Michiewicz", title = "Restoration Work in the Solar Cult Complex of the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir El-Bahari", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "278 - 284" }
Conservation and Restoration of Wall Painting in the Southern Chamber of Amun of the Hatshepsut Temple in Deir El-Baharis. 285 - 295CZYSTY TEKST
Izabela Uchman-Laskowska, Conservation and Restoration of Wall Painting in the Southern Chamber of Amun of the Hatshepsut Temple in Deir El-Bahari, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 285 - 295
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Izabela Uchman-Laskowska", title = "Conservation and Restoration of Wall Painting in the Southern Chamber of Amun of the Hatshepsut Temple in Deir El-Bahari", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "285 - 295" }
Tomasz Górecki, Sheikh Abd El-Gurna: Hermitage in Tomb 1152 and Chapel in Tomb 1151, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 297 - 303
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Tomasz Górecki", title = "Sheikh Abd El-Gurna: Hermitage in Tomb 1152 and Chapel in Tomb 1151", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "297 - 303" }
Eliza Jaroni, Michał Kobusiewicz, Ewa Kuciewicz, Dakhleh Oasis: Petroglyph Unit, Rock Art Research, 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 305 - 310
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Eliza Jaroni, Michał Kobusiewicz, Ewa Kuciewicz", title = "Dakhleh Oasis: Petroglyph Unit, Rock Art Research, 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "305 - 310" }
Włodzimierz Godlewski, Old Dongola: Kom A (Citadel), 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 313 - 326
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Włodzimierz Godlewski", title = "Old Dongola: Kom A (Citadel), 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "313 - 326" }
Dorota Moryto-Naumiuk, Karol Piasecki, Lucyna Piekacz, Bogdan T. Żurawski, Banganarti: Archaeological Excavation on the Site in 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 327 - 341
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dorota Moryto-Naumiuk, Karol Piasecki, Lucyna Piekacz, Bogdan T. Żurawski", title = "Banganarti: Archaeological Excavation on the Site in 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "327 - 341" }
Mariusz Drzewiecki, Excavating the Curtain Wall in Banganarti in 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 342 - 358
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mariusz Drzewiecki", title = "Excavating the Curtain Wall in Banganarti in 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "342 - 358" }
Marta Osypińska, Faunal Remains from Banganarti : Season 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 359 - 368
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marta Osypińska", title = "Faunal Remains from Banganarti : Season 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "359 - 368" }
Bogdan T. Żurawski, Shemkhiya 2006, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 369 - 375
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Bogdan T. Żurawski", title = "Shemkhiya 2006", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "369 - 375" }
Fourth Cataract: Archaeological Survey between El-Ar (Shemkhiya) and El-Gamamiya (November-December 2007)s. 377 - 393CZYSTY TEKST
Marek Chłodnicki, Anna Longa, Piotr Osypiński, Fourth Cataract: Archaeological Survey between El-Ar (Shemkhiya) and El-Gamamiya (November-December 2007), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 377 - 393
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marek Chłodnicki, Anna Longa, Piotr Osypiński", title = "Fourth Cataract: Archaeological Survey between El-Ar (Shemkhiya) and El-Gamamiya (November-December 2007)", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "377 - 393" }
Eliza Jaroń, Ewa Kuciewicz, Rock Art Research on the Fourth Cataract in 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 394 - 399
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Eliza Jaroń, Ewa Kuciewicz", title = "Rock Art Research on the Fourth Cataract in 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "394 - 399" }
Piotr Osypiński, Excavations on Two Kerma Horizon Cemeteries in El-Gamamiya, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 400 - 405
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Osypiński", title = "Excavations on Two Kerma Horizon Cemeteries in El-Gamamiya", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "400 - 405" }
Dobiesława Bagińska, Teodozja I. Rzeuska, Kerma Horizon Pottery from the Cemeteries in El-Gamamiya, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 406 - 419
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dobiesława Bagińska, Teodozja I. Rzeuska", title = "Kerma Horizon Pottery from the Cemeteries in El-Gamamiya", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "406 - 419" }
Anna Longa, Joanna Śliwa, The El-Ar P1 Cemetery (Fourth Cataract, Sudan), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 420 - 429
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Longa, Joanna Śliwa", title = "The El-Ar P1 Cemetery (Fourth Cataract, Sudan)", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "420 - 429" }
Archaeological Excavations on the Tumulus Cemeteries at El-Ar 7 and 29 (Shemkhiya)s. 430 - 434CZYSTY TEKST
Marek Chłodnicki, Archaeological Excavations on the Tumulus Cemeteries at El-Ar 7 and 29 (Shemkhiya), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 430 - 434
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marek Chłodnicki", title = "Archaeological Excavations on the Tumulus Cemeteries at El-Ar 7 and 29 (Shemkhiya)", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "430 - 434" }
El Sadda: Excavations on the Polish Concession (Hamadab Dam Rescue Project), January-February 2007s. 435 - 460CZYSTY TEKST
Marta Osypińska, Piotr Osypiński, Łukasz Maurycy Stanaszek, El Sadda: Excavations on the Polish Concession (Hamadab Dam Rescue Project), January-February 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 435 - 460
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marta Osypińska, Piotr Osypiński, Łukasz Maurycy Stanaszek", title = "El Sadda: Excavations on the Polish Concession (Hamadab Dam Rescue Project), January-February 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "435 - 460" }
Michał Sip, Excavations of a Kerma-Period Cemetery at El-Sadda 4, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 461 - 466
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Sip", title = "Excavations of a Kerma-Period Cemetery at El-Sadda 4", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "461 - 466" }
Early Makuria Research Project : El-Zuma Excavations : Preliminary Report on the Second Season, 2007s. 467 - 479CZYSTY TEKST
Mahmoud el-Tayeb, Early Makuria Research Project : El-Zuma Excavations : Preliminary Report on the Second Season, 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 467 - 479
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Mahmoud el-Tayeb", title = "Early Makuria Research Project : El-Zuma Excavations : Preliminary Report on the Second Season, 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "467 - 479" }
Edyta Klimaszewska-Drabot, Pottery from the Cemetery in El-Zuma (2007 Season), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 480 - 487
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Edyta Klimaszewska-Drabot", title = "Pottery from the Cemetery in El-Zuma (2007 Season)", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "480 - 487" }
Marta Osypińska, Animal Bones Remains from the Cemetery in El-Zuma (2007 Season), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 488 - 493
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marta Osypińska", title = "Animal Bones Remains from the Cemetery in El-Zuma (2007 Season)", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "488 - 493" }
Włodzimierz Godlewski, Joanna Kociankowska-Bożek, Early Makuria Research Project : Season 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 494 - 499
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Włodzimierz Godlewski, Joanna Kociankowska-Bożek", title = "Early Makuria Research Project : Season 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "494 - 499" }
Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski, Wojciech Machowski, Henryk Meyza, Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka, Joanna K. Rądkowska, Olga Wasilewska, Nea Paphos: Season 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 503 - 514
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski, Wojciech Machowski, Henryk Meyza, Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka, Joanna K. Rądkowska, Olga Wasilewska", title = "Nea Paphos: Season 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "503 - 514" }
Michał Gawlikowski, Palmyra: Preliminary Report on the Forty-Fifth Season of Excavations, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 517 - 526
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Michał Gawlikowski", title = "Palmyra: Preliminary Report on the Forty-Fifth Season of Excavations", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "517 - 526" }
Hawarte: Project for the Reconstruction of the Painted Decoration of the Mithreums. 527 - 535CZYSTY TEKST
Dobrochna Zielińska, Hawarte: Project for the Reconstruction of the Painted Decoration of the Mithreum, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 527 - 535
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Dobrochna Zielińska", title = "Hawarte: Project for the Reconstruction of the Painted Decoration of the Mithreum", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "527 - 535" }
Tell Arbid: Preliminary Report on the Results of the Twelfth Season of Syrian-Polish Excavationss. 537 - 554CZYSTY TEKST
Piotr Bieliński, Tell Arbid: Preliminary Report on the Results of the Twelfth Season of Syrian-Polish Excavations, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 537 - 554
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Piotr Bieliński", title = "Tell Arbid: Preliminary Report on the Results of the Twelfth Season of Syrian-Polish Excavations", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "537 - 554" }
Technological Marks on Pottery Vessels : Evidence from Tell Arbid, Tell Rad Shaqrah and Tell Jassa El-Gharbi (Northern Syria)s. 555 - 564CZYSTY TEKST
Anna Smogorzewska, Technological Marks on Pottery Vessels : Evidence from Tell Arbid, Tell Rad Shaqrah and Tell Jassa El-Gharbi (Northern Syria), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 555 - 564
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Anna Smogorzewska", title = "Technological Marks on Pottery Vessels : Evidence from Tell Arbid, Tell Rad Shaqrah and Tell Jassa El-Gharbi (Northern Syria)", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "555 - 564" }
Ryszard F. Mazurowski, Tell Qaramel Excavations 2007, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 565 - 585
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Ryszard F. Mazurowski", title = "Tell Qaramel Excavations 2007", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "565 - 585" }
Early Neolithic Wall Construction Techniques in the Light of Ethnographical Observations on the Architecture of the Modern syrian Village of Qaramels. 586 - 599CZYSTY TEKST
Marcin Białowarczuk, Early Neolithic Wall Construction Techniques in the Light of Ethnographical Observations on the Architecture of the Modern syrian Village of Qaramel, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 586 - 599
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Marcin Białowarczuk", title = "Early Neolithic Wall Construction Techniques in the Light of Ethnographical Observations on the Architecture of the Modern syrian Village of Qaramel", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "586 - 599" }
Khone-Ye Div: Preliminary Report on the First Season of Irano-Polish Excavationss. 603 - 611CZYSTY TEKST
Hassan Hashemi, Barbara Kaim, Khone-Ye Div: Preliminary Report on the First Season of Irano-Polish Excavations, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2010 / Tom 19, s. 603 - 611
BIBTEX@Article{ authors = " Hassan Hashemi, Barbara Kaim", title = "Khone-Ye Div: Preliminary Report on the First Season of Irano-Polish Excavations", journal = "Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean", issue = "2010 / Tom 19", pages = "603 - 611" }